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Manjelle again

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  1. #1
    manjelle started this thread.
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    Manjelle again

    Hey you guys, I'm on the road and my phone won't let me post pics but I came to one of my stops to pick up some stainless steel valves and piping one of the plants by the house told me I could have. Anyway loaded everything up and the manager asked me if I wanted 3 electric motors they had to replace due to lightning striking them. These things are pretty huge, one by itself was to much for my trailer with the SS on it told him I would get with him later in the week, he gave me a week to get them. They are about 3 to 4 ft long and about 2ft wide, the tag on them say they weigh 3027lbs. Are they worth the trouble to pick up, and what do I do with them, they must have some value.

  2. #2
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by manjelle View Post
    Hey you guys, I'm on the road and my phone won't let me post pics but I came to one of my stops to pick up some stainless steel valves and piping one of the plants by the house told me I could have. Anyway loaded everything up and the manager asked me if I wanted 3 electric motors they had to replace due to lightning striking them. These things are pretty huge, one by itself was to much for my trailer with the SS on it told him I would get with him later in the week, he gave me a week to get them. They are about 3 to 4 ft long and about 2ft wide, the tag on them say they weigh 3027lbs. Are they worth the trouble to pick up, and what do I do with them, they must have some value.
    20 cents a pound in Albany, NY

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  4. #3
    RLS0812's Avatar
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    If you can re-wind and re-build them, there is a potential of $ thousands in profits for large motors.
    You could also just strip all the "shiny" copper out of it to get more $.

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  6. #4
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Scrap yards do buy electric motors.

    I could get 1500 dollars for those 3 electric motors at my local yard.

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  8. #5
    sledge's Avatar
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    They are the equivalent of scrapping 3 full sized cars.. but getting .20/lb vs .05/lb as a car would.

    If you have the means to load them and haul them safely. I'd JUMP on those bad boys!

    If you literally move them from "Point A" to "Point B" it will be some of the easiest money you will ever make!
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  10. #6
    manjelle started this thread.
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    I got with him and have the green light to get them this sat. He said he also has some more stainless steel component boxes. What would be the best route for the motors tear them down and strip them out, or just sell whole. Selling whole sounds easy, my local yard gives .08 cent a lb.

  11. #7
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Take the $726.48 and be done with them! Sounds easy... after loading and transporting to yard that is!

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  13. #8
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by manjelle View Post
    I got with him and have the green light to get them this sat. He said he also has some more stainless steel component boxes. What would be the best route for the motors tear them down and strip them out, or just sell whole. Selling whole sounds easy, my local yard gives .08 cent a lb.
    With that kind of weight, I would shop around. Call numerous yards and don't just ask the price, tell them how much you have and ask what is the best they could do.

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  15. #9
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Why would you even ask the question? It is evident you are smarter than everyone else on the forum because your responses have received 53 thank yous and you only needed the advice of one. BTW - I could get $ 3,000 each for those with the right strategy. I am sure you are smart enough to figure it out given your history. Good luck.
    Give back more to this world than we take.

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  17. #10
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    First I will apologize for my previous aggressive response. Sometimes the fire in my belly is so bad I have to let off steam. I attacked two posts last night and neither caused the fire in my belly, but they added fuel.

    Now to answer your question:

    The easiest and least labor intensive options are the ones given by Hobo Finds and MThomasdev.

    To maximize profit, the shell is probably cast iron, pays more than steel. If there is enough metal in the cast, a torch is the easiest and quickest way to dismantle. If not, a torch will only melt it and you will waste a lot of oxygen trying to blow out the slag. Next best option is a construction saw with a metal blade. Easy to rent. Lastly a grinder with a cutting blade will work, but labor intensive.

    Inside these units is a wide variety of non ferrous metal. I have even seen some with silver contacts, not like the ones in computers. These range in size from an ounce to several ounces. I have been told some of the older ones might contain gold, but I have not seen any personally. Since you do not have to pay for them, cut one open and see what you find. Then you could decide if the work is worth extra money. I never hesitate to tear them apart because most larger yards pay less for larger units than smaller ones because of the recovery level.

    Most of the time I am reluctant to provide this type of information because of the number of individuals that read the posts, but they will not even become members, much less share their knowledge. They are the ones that think everyone owes them and they do not owe society or the country anything. As I type this there have been five "guests" reading this thread. Enough of my lecture.

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  19. #11
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    Real World Example (On a Much Smaller Scale)

    Got a call for a washer and Dryer to scrap. When I went to pick them up guy said "We bought new- these still work"
    Weren't the prettiest things.. but I have a guy who deals with them more than I do.

    Stopped by his job at end of day- said "Any interest in these?" He said "How Much?" I know him well- so I sold him the set for $50 bucks.
    I literally moved them from "Point A" to "Point B" and made $50.. never broke a sweat.

    Easiest $ I made this week! You smell what I'm stepping in?

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  21. #12
    Inspectorscrappy's Avatar
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    Most of the time I am reluctant to provide this type of information because of the number of individuals that read the posts, but they will not even become members, much less share their knowledge. They are the ones that think everyone owes them and they do not owe society or the country anything. As I type this there have been five "guests" reading this thread. Enough of my lecture.
    Chill out man...responses like that and a few others I've seen make people NOT want to post and NOT become members of the forum.

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  23. #13
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inspectorscrappy View Post
    Chill out man...responses like that and a few others I've seen make people NOT want to post and NOT become members of the forum.
    Touche' Evidently I hit a nerve. I am glad you at least joined the forum. Of all of the values I advocate for, I am surprised you would attack this element. If advocating for self respect, self reliance, contributing to society, carrying your own weight, respect for others, helping others is causing people not to join, I am proud of what I have done. You did not include, nor address President Kennedy's quote from another thread: "My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." It is directly related to this post.

    Since you are a new member, I will let you into a little secret. More insight and information is shared in PM's than on the forum. In the paid members only section, there is a great deal of insight. The reason: Our trade secrets are saved for those that show respect and appreciation, not freeloaders.

    In conclusion, the day I "chill out" will be the day I die. Until then I will speak out and defend the morals and values that I was raised on. If this offends you or anyone else, don't read my posts. Now, how many people did I offend that will not be back to the forum? I hope I did not just open a hornets nest, but at least it is not directed to religion or politics.

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  25. #14
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    To add to my perspective, after the previous post I checked usage of the forum and there were 25 members and 750 non members on the forum. Why do I want to share my information with those not willing to join the forum, much less add their expertise?

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  27. #15
    harsas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    Touche' Evidently I hit a nerve. I am glad you at least joined the forum. Of all of the values I advocate for, I am surprised you would attack this element. If advocating for self respect, self reliance, contributing to society, carrying your own weight, respect for others, helping others is causing people not to join, I am proud of what I have done. You did not include, nor address President Kennedy's quote from another thread: "My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." It is directly related to this post.

    Since you are a new member, I will let you into a little secret. More insight and information is shared in PM's than on the forum. In the paid members only section, there is a great deal of insight. The reason: Our trade secrets are saved for those that show respect and appreciation, not freeloaders.

    In conclusion, the day I "chill out" will be the day I die. Until then I will speak out and defend the morals and values that I was raised on. If this offends you or anyone else, don't read my posts. Now, how many people did I offend that will not be back to the forum? I hope I did not just open a hornets nest, but at least it is not directed to religion or politics.


    So as not to leave the wrong impression, I will begin by saying I enjoy reading your posts, and honestly agree with most of what you are promoting here. However, there is a difference between advocacy and accosting. Something about honey and vinegar comes to mind.

    BTW, when you see umpteen visitors in relation to members on the forum, often a large percentage of the visitors are actually bots looking for whatever bottom feeders like to eat. It seems to be a common factor on the forums I visit. Of course, there may be a correlation there as well...
    Have Fun,

    I hate rules, but I love junk.

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  29. #16
    manjelle started this thread.
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    Don't worry patriot, I'm not offended. I value any feedback and advice. I find the information in the older threads and comments on certain post very educational and humorous. There are many members like yourself who are passionate about what y'all do, and to judge anyone for believing in anything the way they do is being a Hippocrate. If I ask stupid questions it is not my intention. I do have a full time job and my scrapping of certain things is done in my spare time, so when I come across certain things or situations I do value the education of the older posts, but sometimes it's just easier to ask the question and get on with life when you don't have the time to scan through the older post. But I have taken the time to do so as much as I get the spare time to do so. Also I have recently become aware of the "thanks button" and for many reasons I'll keep to myself, I feel foolish that I have more thanks than I have given, a subject that I will be remedying as I go forward. If your rant wasn't aimed at me personally I feel foolish for this long reply. If it was all I can say is I'm sorry for building that fire in your belly. PS. Alka seltzer or tums helps with that problem sometimes. Lol. Just trying to inject some humor.

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  31. #17
    CapitalRecovery's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    To add to my perspective, after the previous post I checked usage of the forum and there were 25 members and 750 non members on the forum. Why do I want to share my information with those not willing to join the forum, much less add their expertise?
    My first or second load I sent to Ewasted I bought my memberrrr ship. I should have bought a new laptop because I'm almost done typing and then it erases 1/2 of my work. Gr I'm done.

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  33. #18
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harsas View Post

    So as not to leave the wrong impression, I will begin by saying I enjoy reading your posts, and honestly agree with most of what you are promoting here. However, there is a difference between advocacy and accosting. Something about honey and vinegar comes to mind.

    BTW, when you see umpteen visitors in relation to members on the forum, often a large percentage of the visitors are actually bots looking for whatever bottom feeders like to eat. It seems to be a common factor on the forums I visit. Of course, there may be a correlation there as well...
    Thank you and I agree with everything you said. It is not my first mistake and I am sure not my last. I will tone it down.

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  35. #19
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by manjelle View Post
    Don't worry patriot, I'm not offended. I value any feedback and advice. I find the information in the older threads and comments on certain post very educational and humorous. There are many members like yourself who are passionate about what y'all do, and to judge anyone for believing in anything the way they do is being a Hippocrate. If I ask stupid questions it is not my intention. I do have a full time job and my scrapping of certain things is done in my spare time, so when I come across certain things or situations I do value the education of the older posts, but sometimes it's just easier to ask the question and get on with life when you don't have the time to scan through the older post. But I have taken the time to do so as much as I get the spare time to do so. Also I have recently become aware of the "thanks button" and for many reasons I'll keep to myself, I feel foolish that I have more thanks than I have given, a subject that I will be remedying as I go forward. If your rant wasn't aimed at me personally I feel foolish for this long reply. If it was all I can say is I'm sorry for building that fire in your belly. PS. Alka seltzer or tums helps with that problem sometimes. Lol. Just trying to inject some humor.
    Your thread became a convenient target for something I have advocated for many times. There is a thread in the archives called "Thanks" that shows my intent not to single others out. In addition, there have been many times I have advocated for questions because as new people join they have insight that they may not share on two year old threads. Another reason, some of the best advice is hidden in threads with titles that are misleading, lost forever. Sorry.

    Next, please do not keep the things you learn to yourself. This is a great challenge and many on the forum would love to hear and see your story, even if you only decide to haul them in. How you load them onto your trailer, cut them open, and what you find will be very educational and a great contribution to the forum. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to your story.

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  37. #20
    manjelle started this thread.
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    Thanks patriot, explanation goes a long way now I understand your way of thinking and I must admit, I am guilty as charged. I have asked questions got answers, and went on my way. So I will do my best to follow up on all posts with how I faired, how I went about doing it, and if I can figure out photobucket as many pics as I can. Oh and THANKS.LOL

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