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When it's not on buyers price list

| E-Waste Grading and Identification
  1. #1
    Maverickhawk started this thread.
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    When it's not on buyers price list

    So I have two of these boards out of a data storage rack. How do you know if you're getting a good price for them. Do you have to call the buyer & email photos for two boards? The two only weigh a little over a pound. I have been reading older post's for months & I am still confused as to how odd boards are valued. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine how much knowledge would I need to be a good scrapper.

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  2. #2
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Looks like those came out of a server. Best thing is pick a buyer and send them pics.

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  4. #3
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Calling your buyer or sending them an email with photo should get you the info you seek.

    Far as it not being on a list...could be many reasons. They could list everything they buy would likely miss something. They could buy a ton of things but only list the things most people sell them, such as ram, motherboards, HD boards, etc. A couple of our buyers buy a lot more then they list. choice of action would be to email with photo the items you have questions on. A good buyer will get back to you, an let you know the category it'd fall in if it doesn't have it's own. Far as figuring out the categories...I wish you much luck. Some buyers grade one way, others do it another. Only sure fire way to know is them or call'm.

    An there is a lot to learn when it comes to ewaste, or scrapping in general. Doesn't seem like it, but there really is, an a lot of us learned it on the fly also. Haha. Good times. I love it when people tell me what I do is easy. Then when they actually see the work, an learning that go into it..well lets just say I end up leaving with their stuff, an them not sending it in. They really get scared away when you tell'm your paid by the pound. When their eyes pop out when you tell them that it's funny.

    Good luck to ya tho! An like most things in life...if you think you know it all and can't learn anything else, it's time to retire.

    Sirscrapalot - The learning never ends.

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  6. #4
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Those should be graded as a back plane / expansion board

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  8. #5
    Maverickhawk started this thread.
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    Thanks sir! In about ten years someone is going to get a crap load of emails. Hey scrapalot watch for a thread on how you got me waist high in scrapping.

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  10. #6
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    I'm in about the same boat as you re escrap. I have sold very little as escrap and don't have a good idea of how to separate. I do, but I will have to see how it goes. I have about exhausted my patience on the escrap separation and will have to see how well it pays. I will say this, a few trips to the yard watching them separate it will help you tell what is what.

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  12. #7
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Unless your going to the yard with ewaste. Heh.

    Maybe other yards are different, ones I use at times, couldn't tell you how to separate ewaste from cow dung.

    Certain buys will deduct if they have to sort for you but in my experience it's only been in regards to CPUs, an Hard Drive boards. I separate what I can an I know what is what, an the rest gets sorted at the buyer. Motherboards, CPUs, HD boards, Finger/daughter boards, cdrom/floppy boards, etc get separated other stuff gets put in the "I dunno what kinda board this is" class. Usually it's stuff thats mid-grade, high-grade, telecom, etc type stuff. As that really does seem to depend on the buyer. One guy may take one thing as mid, the other high.

    There are several threads, an a few sites out there that will help you figure out what most of the stuff goes as but again...anything like mid-grade/high-grade etc type boards I tend to check with my buyer, or just let them sort it. Things like HD boards an Motherboards an the finger/daughter ones are pretty easy. All else fails, pack your stuff up by type. If you got 50 weird boards you don't know what they are? Slap a rubber band around them, an put'm in a box. I don't think you'll get deducted a sort fee, an if you do...use another buyer.

    I dunno, my plan works for me, but as I'm known to say on here...YMMV. I would never take any green boards to a yard unless they pay like the buyers on here. No offense to any yard owners on here, but I've run into a few that could give a pawnshop a run for its money on ripping folks off.

    Hey scrapalot watch for a thread on how you got me waist high in scrapping. - Maverick Hawk

    I look forward to it. Ha ha. I guess it's better then you saying you'd be waist high in goats.

    Good luck to ya!

    Sirscrapalot - A woman drove me drinking, and I never had the courtesy to thank her. - WC Fields, an oldie but a goodie.

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