Ok now on to diferent types of CPU's

This picture shows the 3 different stages of a SLOT Processors. when selling these they have to be removed from the plastic case like the one on the bottom.

This picture is of metal toped green fiber CPU's Commonly found in Pentium 4 systems, amd systems, and some mac's

This picutre is of pentium and AMD green and brown fiber chips without metal tops. these are usualy pentium 2 and 3 and early amd series.

This picture is of ceramic pentium and amd chips. Usualy these are pentium 1 chips notice no gold tops.

Here is a pic of a golt top pentium chip.

This is a pentium pro gold top chip. From what ive found out this is probable the heavist chip of them all and has the most gold content per chip of them all. Ive seen these sell for 20 to 30 bucks or more each on

This is a 486 chip. The 386 chip looks just like it. These are the best chips by the pound as far as gold recovery goes. DONT throw these in with your ceramic chips they are worth about 3 times as much right now.

This is the black fiber chips. They look and feel like plastic.

These are PCI/AGP/FINGERBOARDS These plug into the motherboard and are usualy what you see when looking at the back of a computer. They have the gold finger looking things running down one side of the card.

These are 3.5 inch floppy drives. Most people will just break off the gold connector you see in the middle drive in the picture and throw it in with there gold conector ends.