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  1. #1
    robsrecycling started this thread.
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    for sale wheatstone radio studio mixer

    auction says it all any questions ask
    Wheatstone Studio Mixer Radio Console | eBay

  2. #2
    robsrecycling started this thread.
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    well I cant sell it so im just gonna scrap it

  3. #3
    BroJer's Avatar
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    You have not really tried, yet! 1) local pu only?? list it on CL if you are not willing to ship! You cut your market OFF by not offering shipping options. 2) cut the price in half. add the make offer, and set it to accept all bids at 200 or more and decline any 149.99 or less and negotiate if you need to. 3) come up with a box, pack it, get a good shipping weight and use the world wide shipping option.

    If I put a listing on, I want the largest market possible.


    I scrap it and call it a day. jus my 2

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  5. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BroJer View Post
    You have not really tried, yet! 1) local pu only?? list it on CL if you are not willing to ship! You cut your market OFF by not offering shipping options. 2) cut the price in half. add the make offer, and set it to accept all bids at 200 or more and decline any 149.99 or less and negotiate if you need to. 3) come up with a box, pack it, get a good shipping weight and use the world wide shipping option.

    If I put a listing on, I want the largest market possible.


    I scrap it and call it a day. jus my 2
    Something you might make 10 -20 dollars on scrapwise and you'd turn down 100.-150. hmmm That should be a best offer listing maybe.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  6. #5
    BroJer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Something you might make 10 -20 dollars on scrapwise and you'd turn down 100.-150. hmmm That should be a best offer listing maybe.
    You can always revise the item and drop it down to whatever ya want. But heck, to go from 6bills to scrapping?? Would at least give it another shot at whatever above scrap price.

    I have had auctions were people started with that lower number, say the 100. it was declined. so they hit 125. declined. 3 strikes and your OUT lol they hit that 150 on the third offer and BINGO ding ding ding SOLD! ;-)

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