Originally Posted by
You can probably do pretty well on those locally! I would Craigslist them for $220 OBO and see what offers you get. Just list it as if you have one system to sell, it is nobodies business that you have many. Offer a mouse, keyboard, and (if you have extra) an LCD monitor with it.
Those PC's on
ebay are fetching less than $100 when fees and shipping are considered....you can do MUCH better locally.
This is probably usually true, but if you have someone with a call center or something like that wanting a bunch of like computers that they can just clone then sometimes a quantity is a good thing.
Sometimes anyway.
I am popping my cherry with the refurb thing. I have had a bunch of dealings with a local college kid that makes his extra money by refurbing. I just broke the limit on what I have ever paid for computers. I paid $15 each for these units. They are Pentium D with no hard drive and between the 2 of us we have enough hard drives to get them up and running.
Can't shoot for the stars with out going out on a limb occasionally.