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This is probably usually true, but if you have someone with a call center or something like that wanting a bunch of like computers that they can just clone then sometimes a quantity is a good thing.
Sometimes anyway.
I am popping my cherry with the refurb thing. I have had a bunch of dealings with a local college kid that makes his extra money by refurbing. I just broke the limit on what I have ever paid for computers. I paid $15 each for these units. They are Pentium D with no hard drive and between the 2 of us we have enough hard drives to get them up and running.
Can't shoot for the stars with out going out on a limb occasionally.
Is he a registered refurbisher with Microsoft? I'm looking into this, I have the study guide printed out, to take this test for it, I'm pretty much thinking that it will make me look alot more professional by being registered with Microsoft for refurbishing computers then some dirtball 17 yr old asking about their computers.