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  1. #21
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrappinRed View Post
    Even with a clear "no return" policy and selling items "as-is" Ebay allowed a buyer to return 2 separate listings he bought from me because he said I should have taken higher resolution pictures and listed every single scratch, nick, scuff, and mark in the description. I had 12 high resolution photos showing these boards from all sides, and the zoom feature was available on all of them. These were 35 year old boards and clearly sold untested, as-is, no returns.

    Not only did Ebay take the money out of my Paypal account as soon as delivery confirmation uploaded, but they allowed him to leave 2 negative feedbacks about me having "deceptive photos with too much flash." I wasn't even given time to inspect the items to make sure they were in the original condition I sent them out in.

    So no, it actually doesn't really matter what your policy is, Ebay will give a refund for whatever reason they please. I was on the phone for half an hour with customer service and they said there was nothing they could do. They said if I had included close up photos of the particular discoloration that this fellow was mad about, then I wouldn't have to return them. They didn't care that the lot included 4 boards, and there were clear photos of all areas of the boards that could be enlarged.

    These items were returned 3.5 weeks after their purchase. When I start having returns 6 months after a sale, I will definitely be rethinking Ebay...
    You should have disputed the decision...and you CAN do that...and go up the frigging chain to the next level...I have done that with SO many companies and once you get a few levels up...then SH$% gets fixed...there is NO way I would have let that stand on principle alone...someone would be giving me back the money by the time I was done.

    Oh, and I pull money as soon as I get with via my paypal debit card...I keep almost ZERO $$$ in my account to combat this. And what are they going to do? Sue my I will shut it down....I will just make another account in another DBA and change my bank account so the info is completely different...yes I have to start over on feedback and serve a waiting period on some categories...big deal...they can go pound sand.

    I have never had any reason to do this of course, but that is what I would do as a backup plan. But you should have went up the chain as high as you could just got some knucklehead that made a bad decision...go above their heads and tell the next guy you will keep going up because of X,Y,Z from your listing. Anyways...rant over.
    Last edited by webuyselltradestuff; 11-23-2014 at 01:08 PM.
    PROFIT is made when you BUY/ACQUIRE NOT when you sell

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  3. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrappinRed View Post
    so THIS is going to be fun...

    "Beginning November 18, the latest updates to PayPal’s User Agreement and policies will take effect, with important implications for both buyers and sellers who use PayPal on eBay.

    To help bring its purchase protection policies in line with the coverage many buyers receive when they pay for a product or service by credit card, PayPal will now give US buyers up to 180 days from payment to file a PayPal dispute for an item that wasn’t received or was not as described. Please note that this update does not affect the time buyers have to open an eBay Money Back Guarantee request, which will remain 30 days after the latest estimated delivery date."

    As if it wasn't fun enough that people could return something for pretty much any reason within 45 days of purchase, NOW they get 180 days to use it, read it, watch it, break it, copy it, or strip it and send it back!!

    I think this method is great, I am very happy because I often buy things on ebay.

  4. #23
    matador's Avatar
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    eBay is very buyer friendly. I sell there, and will continue to.

    But, I try to buy less and less there. They just aren't kind to sellers at all!

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