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Question on shipping

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  1. #1
    philshark2 started this thread.
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    Question on shipping

    Hello, i was wondering if economy shipping just putting the item in an envelope with some stamps on it? If not, could someone explain to me what it is? Thanks

  2. #2
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    Economy shipping means two things, usually.

    For packages 13oz and smaller, it usually means USPS First Class shipping. It's about $2-3, depending on the weight in ounces. It includes a tracking number, and that's about it.

    For larger items, it usually means that it will go out via the cheapest ground delivery service the seller can find. I'd caution against using SmartPost without disclosing it in the listing- it's pretty slow. I usually use FedEx Home Delivery/Ground shipping for this, as it's usually cheaper for me than Parcel Post.

    Very rarely will an eBay seller ship by using some stamps, and those are almost entirely cases of small, cheap items like decals. USPS First Class is what makes E-Commerce what it is.
    More than Scrap Value Shipment Tips:

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  4. #3
    philshark2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by matador View Post
    Economy shipping means two things, usually.

    For packages 13oz and smaller, it usually means USPS First Class shipping. It's about $2-3, depending on the weight in ounces. It includes a tracking number, and that's about it.

    For larger items, it usually means that it will go out via the cheapest ground delivery service the seller can find. I'd caution against using SmartPost without disclosing it in the listing- it's pretty slow. I usually use FedEx Home Delivery/Ground shipping for this, as it's usually cheaper for me than Parcel Post.

    Very rarely will an eBay seller ship by using some stamps, and those are almost entirely cases of small, cheap items like decals. USPS First Class is what makes E-Commerce what it is.
    Alright, because I was wondering how you can ship out a single coin or some box tops

  5. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by philshark2 View Post
    Alright, because I was wondering how you can ship out a single coin or some box tops
    I have some LED's that I sell on Ebay and when one sells I put it in a regular envelope with a .70 stamp. Why .70, cause that tells the P.O. that it has to be hand stamped and not run thru a machine. Course in the listing it is stated that "This LED will be shipped free in a standard envelope so there is no tracking # available. This helps keep the price down". A coin I would fold it up in some note paper to protect it.
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  7. #5
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    Is it a valuable coin? If not, what Mechanic is recommending should work in many cases. I'd never ship a valuable coin like that, though- the buyer could easily claim that the item never arrived, and since you have no tracking number, they would have the coin and the money refunded to them.

    First class works well here, but it does have insurance limits (They're pretty high, though). I sell a lot of computer parts, so smaller lots are shipped this way. They can be insured if you desire, and there is a tracking number. I recommend going for poly mailers- they're those white colored (Usually white, at least) bag-like envelopes that you see in the mail. They're super light, and pretty durable. I don't ship without tracking numbers, but I don't really do many sales for less than $20.

    I ordered a decal that was about $1.75 with shipping. It's coming in a regular, stamped envelope without tracking. It's not a big deal, but if I were selling a $500 coin, sending without insurance and tracking would have me sweating bullets....

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  9. #6
    philshark2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by matador View Post
    Is it a valuable coin? If not, what Mechanic is recommending should work in many cases. I'd never ship a valuable coin like that, though- the buyer could easily claim that the item never arrived, and since you have no tracking number, they would have the coin and the money refunded to them.

    First class works well here, but it does have insurance limits (They're pretty high, though). I sell a lot of computer parts, so smaller lots are shipped this way. They can be insured if you desire, and there is a tracking number. I recommend going for poly mailers- they're those white colored (Usually white, at least) bag-like envelopes that you see in the mail. They're super light, and pretty durable. I don't ship without tracking numbers, but I don't really do many sales for less than $20.

    I ordered a decal that was about $1.75 with shipping. It's coming in a regular, stamped envelope without tracking. It's not a big deal, but if I were selling a $500 coin, sending without insurance and tracking would have me sweating bullets....
    The coins I ant to sell are only worth about a $1 each, so not extremely valuable. Thanks for the advice, and yes if I were to ship a $500 coin I would definitely insure and track it

  10. #7
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by philshark2 View Post
    if I were to ship a $500 coin I would definitely insure and track it
    Before you waste money on Insurance >> Check to make sure coins are covered for the value it sells for and not just the value printed on the coin >> If covered at all

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