Just got an email:
We're writing to let you know that as of February 25, at least 114 of your Good 'Til Cancelled (GTC) listings are missing product identifiers—which will be required for automatic renewal starting February 29. Note that any GTC listings not updated in time will end on their calendar renewal date on or after February 29, and will need to be re-created as new listings without any sales history.
Besides making sure they automatically renew, there are big benefits to adding product identifiers to your listings now, including: •Greater exposure. In general, sellers who add product identifiers to their listings benefit from better visibility in search results.
•Increased chance of selling. If your item is listed in the
eBay catalog, product reviews may be added to your listing automatically—which can turn interested shoppers into confirmed buyers.
•Better visibility in promotions. Adding product identifiers now gives you a better chance of being included in programs such as marketing emails, merchandising, and special promotions
So I get to spend the rest of my week working on this