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  1. #1
    RLS0812 started this thread.
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    Cool Electronic Dictionaries Are Hot Sellers !!!

    I have sold all my electronic dictionaries / spell checkers this month pretty fast !
    THIS LITTLE GUY for $12 and THIS GUY for $8

  2. #2
    HipoGear's Avatar
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    Did you make any money after paying the shipping plus Ebay and Paypal fees?
    Shipping (unless it's under 13 oz) has really gotten out of control.

  3. #3
    RLS0812 started this thread.
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    Shipping for both was under $6 ... shipping supplies was $3 ... Ebay fees were $2
    I bought both units for $1.50

    So ... I made enough $ to put a couple gallons of gas in my tank

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  5. #4
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    First Class packages are now limited to 16oz up from 13 oz. This has been helpful even though the rates were raised. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  7. #5
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    and WHY would you pay shipping? I ask this because I see this all the time...I NEVER EVER give free shipping. You buy it you pay the shipping (my motto). I know people say it sells better, and I am SURE it does, but that sort of hit to my profit margin is not acceptable. NOTE: this is not a knock on anyone that does that...I just won't do it. I bet you would do just fine with the small price of shipping for those being paid by the buyer.

    Again, just putting in my 2 cents.

    Besides, selling <$20 items without collecitng shipping is just asking to go in the hole after fixed costs are added in (time, materials, etc)...just do not fall into that trap. Almost every online store charges shipping, so should you.
    Last edited by webuyselltradestuff; 06-21-2016 at 02:19 PM.
    PROFIT is made when you BUY/ACQUIRE NOT when you sell

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  9. #6
    RLS0812 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by webuyselltradestuff View Post
    and WHY would you pay shipping? I ask this because I see this all the time...I NEVER EVER give free shipping. You buy it you pay the shipping (my motto). I know people say it sells better, and I am SURE it does, but that sort of hit to my profit margin is not acceptable. NOTE: this is not a knock on anyone that does that...I just won't do it. I bet you would do just fine with the small price of shipping for those being paid by the buyer.
    It's ether charge $5 + 4.99 shipping, OR just charging $9.99 with free shipping.
    I personally sell more, faster, with free shipping, than without !

  10. #7
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RLS0812 View Post
    It's ether charge $5 + 4.99 shipping, OR just charging $9.99 with free shipping.
    I personally sell more, faster, with free shipping, than without !
    I guess I meant that is the average selling price is $5 and you do $10 w/ free shipping...then sure....but I use my average selling price as my "profit" meter so to speak. That is what I should receive AFTER shipping (whomever is paying for it...and I typically make a $1-2 on shipping as my "handling" charge) but before EBAY/PayPal fees. However you do it, the measuring stick is what I expect to get in the end.

    I just want my profit to be at or above the average solds. If you can get away with free shipping by jacking up the price, then absolutely a good thing. I just find I make money off of shipping changes due to the difference in what is charged to the custom and the rate I get from Ebay (that is extra $$$ for me) and the handling charge I add in to pay for supplies.

    Maybe that clarifies my position a bit better.

  11. #8
    Curbside shopper's Avatar
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    I offered free shipping quite a bit on little stuff that shipped first class, and adjusted my price accordingly if I had to.

    Free shipping basically brought up your DSR scores if you got dinged on shipping a few times by buyers on the other end of the coast that can't understand why shipping costs so much, if you ship for free it's an automatic 5 stars on shipping.

    Automatic 5 stars for checking same-day or one day handling and having the package meet delivery time.
    Automatic 5 stars for communication as long as you offer the one day handling and do not send any email to the buyer after the sale is completed.

    DSR's supposedly don't affect you like they did/could since they changed the rules in Feb, but they're still there, your buyers still see them, so every now and then I do some free shipping.

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