I rarely ship internationally and when I do, I always put the shipping on the buyer. Most times, they will say, "ThxbutnoThx." I find that weeds out a lot of timewasters.
If you ship Priority, you can still track it. It will even insure so make sure you are thinking of that, too. Just be watchful that your mailing addressee and PayPal match up in every case. I found a number of buyers use some kind of air bulk shipping so that the recipient is actually whomever is working the desk at Trans-Continent-Or-Whatever in NJ or Delaware. If the buyer entered that as their PayPal address, as long as it gets to that location,
eBay will say it arrived and fulfilled the buyer's obligation, and an unscrupulous buyer can rip you off by saying they never received. The sort-of workaround for that is if you add Signature Confirmation to the box. Then, when it gets to this hypothetical desk, they will have to say it arrived where PayPal says it was going, which in turn fulfills your obligation. If they never get it, you say, "I sent it to your PayPal address--see, it was even signed for when it arrived." The fact that it wasn't them who signed is not your problem. But as you will hear, eBay almost always sides with the buyer, unless they have been incredibly stupid (threatened your feedback score inside eBay's messaging service, for example).
To date, I have had more unpleasant transactions with domestic buyers than with people out-of-country.