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on one hand it is a little offensive, to me to take advantage of some ones lack of information and knowledge. I believe the vulture profit and greed attitude in this country today is a big part of the trouble we are in. When Goldman sacks does it we are ready to hang them all to the nearest light post, however it is different when we do it on a smaller scale.
on the other hand if you lack the knowledge to operate a particular business and are not willing to educate your self before jumping in, maybe you deserve what you get.
What are your opinions?
This is how it went down so of course I have no problems with it.....When I first started going to this yard I was throwing the low grade in with the scrap........Then the workers started taking them out of my load over to the non-ferrous scale and weighing them up at .20/lb......I said to myself kewl.......I continued to bring em and about a week later the guy working the scale said we are going to pay you .40/lb for all "chips" he called them.........Of course no argument there so I only assumed they were getting top dollar or breaking them down in house (copper, aluminum etc....) They initiated the deal by pulling the boards out of my scrap and offering to give me a better price.......They must have thought they had a gold mine on their hands......They sell me all there ram, mboards, and gold finger boards so they must have wondered why I was selling these boards to them......I guess they figured it out the hard way.....Also do you think if I was stupid enough to buy mboards from them at $10/lb and then went to sell and could only get around 3.50/lb they would give me my money back......NAW
And I wouldn't consider that being a vulture just a smart biz man because as soon as they offered me that price I gobbled up monitors and low grade by the trailer full..........