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Cpu id

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    JollyLlama started this thread.
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    Question Cpu id

    Hey all,
    This is my first post in this part of the forum, so hello and thanks for all the great info first of all. I am trying to get more into escrapping right now, mostly because of a lack of space and the 120+ degree summers tend to discourage me from spending too much time tearing apart ac units in my driveway. I also build custom pcs from working parts (I love being able to just switch out a power supply and have a working desktop!)

    Anyways, I think I might have my first contact with a supply of computer hardware. Its a guy selling cpus on craigslist that also has a bunch of nonworking parts. So how do you guys purchase your parts? Do you bring a scale and pay by the pound? Or do you know the approximate value of each individual part? I'm not asking what the actual prices are, just how you go about converting a price per # from a buyer on the forum to a price you will pay to a local supplier.

    Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.

  2. #2
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    If he is wiling to sell by the pound that is the way to go......Some people I have ran into don't won't the hassle of weighing the items and just want a ballpark figure of what you will pay.......Always estimate on the low end of what you will give or you could get burned......

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  4. #3
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    I pay in several ways, i always bring my scale but i have people that don't what their items weighed or they hand me things that are not processed like motherboards with ram and processor/processor heatsink still attached. These things i pay for based on experience.

    I have two scales. 1 for large items that is certified and weighs +/- 0.1 pounds then i have a small scale for memory and processors that is +/- 0.01 pounds.

    I also like to round up for people on things like motherboards or cheaper items, not memory / cpus. The extra buck or two wont break my back, it makes them feel like they are getting more, helps them trust me and helps fight their urge to ask for more.

    Never pay for the individual part. You will get burned. P4 processors are like $0.50 each in scrap value. If the guy comes to you with 100 of them and you offer $0.25 each he wont be happy i can guarantee. But if he drops them in a bucket and you say i pay $3.00 a pound he'll be happy as a clam. It's weird how these things work.

    The only way to break into this business is to go out and start. 100 people here can each tell you a different thing to do. You will need to find out what works for you. Just always remember this.

    People will want more for their junk than it's worth dont be afraid to turn some one down.
    You will get burned on deals
    you will make money just keep at it.
    We pay you to recycle!

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  6. #4
    JollyLlama started this thread.
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    Thanks for the quick replies and great info. Like you guys said I just have to get out there and do it. I'm sure I'll get burned at some point, but I'm sure it'll teach me a lesson I wont forget. I'm meeting with the guy today, so wish me luck and I'll let ya know if I get anything good.

    And I just noticed the title of this post has nothing to do with it's content. That's for another post I'm about to write. Anyway, thanks again!

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  8. #5
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    It depends on the buyer and the type of material they are selling. For CPU's, RAM, and larger quantities of boards, I usually buy by the pound and the sellers are usually quite happy with that. If the seller gives me a box of mixed scrap parts, I just give them a price on the lot. You will need a bit of experience to make a quick estimate on the scrap value of a mixed lot. For whole computers I always buy by the piece. Some sellers do not want to bother with weighing the items, others very much prefer to do so. I also round up, it helps build trust, and the seller feels like they are getting a fair deal. I always make clear before going to the seller, that I'm buying the parts for scrap, not for re-use, and that I pay $x.xx per pound or per piece. That way there is no misunderstanding, and I don't come home empty handed.

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