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To me this trading crap never works out.....The guys wanting to refurbish the equipment are to paticular for me......I tell them it's just all parts and weight to me and they want to monopolize my time by sifting through large amounts of parts looking for a needle in the haystack.........My time is better utilized breaking down scrap and going to get more than dealing with these "computer guys" Anyway that's my two cents for whatever it is worth
I agree. I have a guy that spent all kinds of time sorting through and testing. I gdid however get to trust him enough that now I can just hand him a box full of stuff that I know he is interested in, and tell him to return whatever works and we then make a deal to swap whatever he has that does not work for what did work.
Actually I have a couple of parts suppliers that I can do this with. I also end up getting education from them as well.
As I have stated before, I trade these guys even up stick for stick, or power supply for power supply. It builds a good working relationship to ensure they keep coming back, and 9 times out of 10 the old 128m RAM stick weighs more than the newer 256m stick. Same goes with power supplies.
I look at it to break even on the trades based on the prices I pay. It ends up being a win/win for both parties as well as the continued relationship.