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  1. #1
    martyweil is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    What's a Fair Trade? Working MPSUs for Non-Working MBs

    In other threads, I have read recommendations suggesting trading working computer power supplies (MPSUs) and/or CPU fans for non-working motherboards (MBs) or memory cards. In none of those posts did it say what a fair trade would be. In other words, how many working MPSUs should I offer in exchange for non-working MBs (assuming, of course, the motherboard hasn't been degraded). Or, how many working CPU fans for non-working memory cards?

    I'm not looking for an exact exchange rate--just a ballpark will suffice (e.g., five power supplies for one motherboard).

    Anyone have any horsetrading experience in this area?

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Just use your common sense and look at value of the items that your thinking about trading. Power supplies can go for $5.-10 ea. on C.L. for certain ones. Dead parts aren't worth a lot to someone who does not know the in's and out's of this scrapping thing. Only you know the value of dead parts.
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  4. #3
    martyweil is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Just use your common sense and look at value of the items that your thinking about trading. Power supplies can go for $5.-10 ea. on C.L. for certain ones. Dead parts aren't worth a lot to someone who does not know the in's and out's of this scrapping thing. Only you know the value of dead parts.
    Yes, I do know the value. Part of the reason for my question was to get a better sense of trade exchange rates--from others with experience in actually making such trades with computer technicians and repair shops in their area. Another reason for my question was to facilitate discussion about this avenue of building an escrap supply chain. So, to the second part, I'm hoping others will decide to provide a more helpful response that might move this discussion forward more profitably for everyone, especially newbies and relative newbies who might not understand the value of dead parts as well as someone with your depth of knowledge and experience. I mean no disrespect in this reply, Mechanic.

  5. #4
    Jeremiah's Avatar
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    Were talking dollars for dollars here. If you know that you can sell a part on Ebay for $20 but don't feel like going through the hassle you could simply calculate what your time is worth and use that as your ratio

    Example. $20 part on ebay (minus listing fees) takes 30 mins to list/package/ship.

    You value your scrap time at $20 an hour, meaning you make $10.

    Thus, if someone would be willing to exchange $10 in mother board weight for your $20 part you would be happy

  6. #5
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    To me this trading crap never works out.....The guys wanting to refurbish the equipment are to paticular for me......I tell them it's just all parts and weight to me and they want to monopolize my time by sifting through large amounts of parts looking for a needle in the haystack.........My time is better utilized breaking down scrap and going to get more than dealing with these "computer guys" Anyway that's my two cents for whatever it is worth

  7. #6
    bcoop is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Here is my 2 cents.

    First off most shops don't want to buy used goods. They take a risk on a product that could be near its end of life and has no warranty. New products at least have a warranty. Power supplies in particular are not a highly coveted item and they can ruin a perfectly fine system. From my experience the only ones that have any decent re-sale value must contain several items.
    1. Good quality name brand
    2. Sata Connectors
    3. 500+watts
    4. Provide at least 18amps on the 12v rail for the higher end video cards.
    Every shop is different but odds are you will not find many willing to take used product. The ones who might be more willing would be your basement type hobbies that build them on the side.
    I would take a different approach. Perhaps offer a price list of what you’re willing to pay for each bad item? Or offer your "removal" service for free. Every shop is different and you may have to pound the pavement a lot to get some good "cliental". At the end of the day you need to create win/win scenario for you and your future clients and what works for one client may not work for the next.

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  9. #7
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    To me this trading crap never works out.....The guys wanting to refurbish the equipment are to paticular for me......I tell them it's just all parts and weight to me and they want to monopolize my time by sifting through large amounts of parts looking for a needle in the haystack.........My time is better utilized breaking down scrap and going to get more than dealing with these "computer guys" Anyway that's my two cents for whatever it is worth
    I agree. I have a guy that spent all kinds of time sorting through and testing. I gdid however get to trust him enough that now I can just hand him a box full of stuff that I know he is interested in, and tell him to return whatever works and we then make a deal to swap whatever he has that does not work for what did work.

    Actually I have a couple of parts suppliers that I can do this with. I also end up getting education from them as well.

    As I have stated before, I trade these guys even up stick for stick, or power supply for power supply. It builds a good working relationship to ensure they keep coming back, and 9 times out of 10 the old 128m RAM stick weighs more than the newer 256m stick. Same goes with power supplies.

    I look at it to break even on the trades based on the prices I pay. It ends up being a win/win for both parties as well as the continued relationship.
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  11. #8
    msearl3244's Avatar
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    I have a working knowledge of computer parts and what is current and what is not. Trading usually works out for me. We trade both ways actually since we have a shop ourselves. If we end up having a few hundred sticks of 1 gig ram because of my scrapping we trade other shops for their scrap stuff. The whole idea for me is that neither one of us has spent money that did not need to be spent. This matters for whole host of reasons, taxes especially in my case.

    Good working relationships are priceless!
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