Originally Posted by
No, I've never been asked. It's the yard or facility that needs to be licensed.
EXACTLY. So, they need to see one to SELL to you, but you do NOT need one to SELL to them. It still seems to me that for an individual, the same laws do not apply. I can understand once it enters into their stream, because they are a company with land, equipment, buildings, employees, a paper trail of in/out etc, that it may make sense why they can not SELL, unless it is to someone who is licensed. If there was a law, or regulation, that required you to have a license to SELL to them, they would have to ask that ANYONE show proof that they have a license. At the basic level, this would mean that ANY BUYER or SELLER of
E-Scrap in NH would have to be trained and get a license. I hope I am getting my thoughts across and hope you can get a direct answer.
Either I learn sumptin new every day, or I go to bed more confuzzeled than when I got up

Have a great weekend and good luck! BroJer