Lady scrapper: There was a thread on this site that talked about data destruction, how they would drill a hole in the HD and then take a picture and send it to the customer. So if the client is worried about data destruction you might want to look into something like that. But, if they are worried about
ewaste being taken to the proper facility, I would just tell them the truth. Tell them where you are going to take the HDs and reassure them that the place is licensed. You can give them the info to the facility and also follow up and let them know when it has been delivered.
Im here in CA. and the laws can get quite confusing. I have a business permit for a mobile service because the permit to store and dismantle is 15-30 thousand dollars. The notification for the intent to handle
e-waste with Department of Toxic Substance control requires a facility location on the application but, the city doesnt allow that I have a facility. Some have told me that I can just put my home address as the facility location and that should be ok. There are no clear instructions on the DTSC website that explain the application process and the 1-800 hotline is incredible hard to get a hold of someone.
It is important to understand the different terms when going through this process.
Handler: a handler handles and could stores universal waste but, isnt allowed to treat or recycle (break down the items).
Recycler: A recycler is allowed to break items down but, with many items as you break them down their classification changes from "universal waste" to "hazardous waste". Because of this, to become a recycler you have to get more permits in order to handle "hazardous waste".
Once you become a "Handler" you can only take your e-waste to certain locations. Lady Scrapper, I think this is why you couldn't buy the e-waste from the guy at your yard because he has to send it to a certain facility because he is a "handler".
Well this is how I understand it. I hope this helps.