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  1. #1
    mrsamsonite started this thread.
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    How much is a complete computer tower (motherboard, ram, processor, etc) worth?


    I was wondering how much on average a complete computer tower (motherboard, ram, processor, etc.) is worth. Im going to start advertising in my area that I buy computer towers. I wanted to know how much on average they are worth (how much I will earn for one tower by parting them out and sending them to ewasted). I also wanted to know how much I should pay to buy them off of people? I saw someone post that they are buying them off of people for $5 and then parting them out and making a profit. Is $5 the going rate or can I do less?

    Your comments would be much appreciated.


  2. #2
    parrothead's Avatar
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    I have my price at $4, but your mileage may vary. That is for complete. minus a dollar for missing hard drive, minus a dollar for missing RAM.
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  3. #3
    Jeremiah's Avatar
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    It’s been my experience that price is of very little importance. The key is to get someone on the phone (you can do this buy advertising that you buy computers). Once on the phone, you should sell your services as recycling, free pickup and free information safe hard drive destruction. The price is simply a bonus and should be sold as an incentive to get people to recycle. Most donate for free. You can also have success bundling services like free hauling of old monitor/TV with computers.

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  5. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I was wondering how much on average a complete computer tower (motherboard, ram, processor, etc.) is worth. Im going to start advertising in my area that I buy computer towers. I wanted to know how much on average they are worth (how much I will earn for one tower by parting them out and sending them to ewasted)
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  7. #5
    mrsamsonite started this thread.
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    Thanks for taking the time to look these links up. From what I got from the links I can buy them for about $2-$6 and sell them after break down for $10-15

    I went ahead and broke down a computer and scaled it up using the prices from Ewasted. Here is what I got:

    DVD Drive........................................1.75l bs. @.22 = $.39
    HD................................................ .1.25lbs. @1.10=$1.28
    Ram.............................................. .05lbs. @14.30=$1.43
    Processor...................................... .05lbs. @ $34 =$1.70
    Mother Board................................. 1.30lbs.@3.60=$4.68
    Case............................................ 8.85lbs.@ .08=$.71
    Power Supply............................................ .........=$1

    Total............................................. ..................$10.29

    So, my numbers matched up pretty good with the numbers from the others. I always like to see the breakdown of things.

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  9. #6
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    Any PCI cards in that machine? Plus, the heatsink and fan that you probably removed to get to the processor, and any wire value. That could probably boost your value a bit.

  10. #7
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    I don't get a lot of towers but I also never pay
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  11. #8
    martyweil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrsamsonite View Post
    Thanks for taking the time to look these links up. From what I got from the links I can buy them for about $2-$6 and sell them after break down for $10-15

    I went ahead and broke down a computer and scaled it up using the prices from Ewasted. Here is what I got:

    DVD Drive........................................1.75l bs. @.22 = $.39
    HD................................................ .1.25lbs. @1.10=$1.28
    Ram.............................................. .05lbs. @14.30=$1.43
    Processor...................................... .05lbs. @ $34 =$1.70
    Mother Board................................. 1.30lbs.@3.60=$4.68
    Case............................................ 8.85lbs.@ .08=$.71
    Power Supply............................................ .........=$1

    Total............................................. ..................$10.29

    So, my numbers matched up pretty good with the numbers from the others. I always like to see the breakdown of things.

    This is an extremely interesting and helpful post. I believe your numbers are sound but as Recyclotrops points out there are a few other components that have value unaccounted for. Let's assume, then, that the total is $12, not 10.29 (just to keep the numbers round). So, that leaves you with a $7 profit per unit if you pay $5 for each tower.

    If one were to try to make $50k per year from this endeavor, based on these numbers, you would need to acquire and process slightly more than 7,000 computer towers a year. You would pay approx. $35,000 for the units. After breaking them down--at a rate of nearly 20 per day/365 days per year--your efforts would produce a gross of approx. $84k and your net profit would be approx. $49k.

    Based on these numbers, even supposing it were possible to find 7,000 computers per year at $5 each, there is no way you could keep up the pace of acquisition, disassembly, and packing/shipping to make this work unless you were a very, very driven fellow. This doesn't even take into account the tax bill and other overhead inherent in such an operation.

    I've been doing a lot of research into this field. I've come to the conclusion that this could never be anything other than a hobby. It doesn't appear to be a viable business. But I do find it relaxing and interesting to tinker with old computers, and, if you do too, than I think as a hobby it can pay for itself as long as you don't see your time spent on it as a labor.
    Last edited by martyweil; 06-18-2012 at 06:41 AM.

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  13. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrsamsonite View Post
    Thanks for taking the time to look these links up. From what I got from the links I can buy them for about $2-$6 and sell them after break down for $10-15

    I went ahead and broke down a computer and scaled it up using the prices from Ewasted. Here is what I got:

    DVD Drive........................................1.75l bs. @.22 = $.39
    HD................................................ .1.25lbs. @1.10=$1.28
    Ram.............................................. .05lbs. @14.30=$1.43
    Processor...................................... .05lbs. @ $34 =$1.70
    Mother Board................................. 1.30lbs.@3.60=$4.68
    Case............................................ 8.85lbs.@ .08=$.71
    Power Supply............................................ .........=$1

    Total............................................. ..................$10.29

    So, my numbers matched up pretty good with the numbers from the others. I always like to see the breakdown of things.
    That is all assuming a typical P4 computer. You start getting some 386/486 PC's where the CPU's are over $100 a pound, and the bottom line will increase.

  14. #10
    ScrappinRed's Avatar
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    interesting... but to go with this line of thinking, you can't forget to deduct the cost of shipping from that theoretical bottom line as well...
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  16. #11
    mrsamsonite started this thread.
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    Come on guys, cut me some stack. I took 5-10min to weigh some stuff and share some number and you guys point out all my errors.... haha. Good points. I left out a couple of components.

    Things that someone should take into consideration if doing this type of business:
    -Gas and shipping cost
    -Prices for different types of components

    I do think that it could be worth it. I wouldnt make it my only stream of income but it can make for good supplemental income. Let say that we could make 10-20k instead of 50k. And factor in that a large portion of the towers will be collected for free or less than $5. I thought about giving other intensive for giving away computer tower like a free coupon for a hamburger at a local restaurant.

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  18. #12
    BroJer's Avatar
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    yea... I hope this discourages a wholeeeeeeeee lot of folks in my area.

    While the numbers may =X, I find, by experience and not just the math, that once I have made a contact for computers, I often end up with A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W and often times a load of Z, which in turn has added up to a total of... xx,xxx.xx, much of it costing me 0 <--dat ah zero, nada, nutin, zip jus sayin BroJer

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  20. #13
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    The other thing to keep in mind is if you are doing that kind of volume, you can deal refinery direct. Ewasted and easy are great guys, but at 7000 towers annually, that's gonna be over 8,000 pounds of mobo alone. You are thrn going to get what they get paid, not what they pay you. The question is, do you have the financial ability to stockpile the goods and not sell until you hit that point?

  21. #14
    martyweil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BroJer View Post
    yea... I hope this discourages a wholeeeeeeeee lot of folks in my area.

    While the numbers may =X, I find, by experience and not just the math, that once I have made a contact for computers, I often end up with A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W and often times a load of Z, which in turn has added up to a total of... xx,xxx.xx, much of it costing me 0 <--dat ah zero, nada, nutin, zip jus sayin BroJer
    That's an excellent point... but I have no interest in dealing with A-Z scrap--just computers. So, each person has to evaluate their own situation based on unique circumstances. For me the numbers don't work, but for many, many others I'm sure they certainly do. The world wouldn't turn if it didn't.

  22. #15
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    i don't believe you can put an accurate price on a computer, there are too many variables. How much is a car?

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  24. #16
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    many of the parts are useless unless you do huge numbers and/or you live near a buyer. Most yards still do not buy your mid grade and low grade boards. m0st of the stainless is magnetic low grade. most of the copper and wireing is low grade. the plastic is a pain in the a** and can be costly to get rid of. shipping is a killer. if I pay 4 or 5 for a tower, and consider shipping cost I may break even. I have been at it for over a year. you have to use the small sellers as bait to troll for the whales.

    unless you are near an E buyer here is some numbers to consider.

    power supplys .o8 to >30

    wire .30 to .50

    most stainless .08

    mid and low grade boards most likely will cost you to get rid of your going to join the "Gold rush" my suggestion would be move to California or Alaska and get a gold pan a shovel and a sluce box.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 06-18-2012 at 09:26 AM.

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  26. #17
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    I got two Pentium Pro cpus last week, that changed my profit margin on the computers they came out of!
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  28. #18
    waredu's Avatar
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    If the computer is older than a P4, it's more efficient to scrap it - and you should be able to double your money easily.

    If the computer is P4 or newer, refurbish it and sell it. There are still plenty of people who would be willing to shell out $50 for a working computer for the kids, if not for themself.

    Heck, create a niche for yourself - buy them for $5, refurbish them, and sell them on credit to people who otherwise would never be able to own a computer. Start out with $10 to $15 down, with weekly payments of $10 for 6 weeks. Even if you only receive 2 or 3 payments, you should still come out ahead.

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  30. #19
    mrsamsonite started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    i don't believe you can put an accurate price on a computer, there are too many variables. How much is a car?
    Good point. I guess I was just trying to get a ballpark number on their value. Its always good to have an idea about what something is worth so that you can make good decisions.

  31. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by waredu View Post
    If the computer is older than a P4, it's more efficient to scrap it - and you should be able to double your money easily.

    If the computer is P4 or newer, refurbish it and sell it. There are still plenty of people who would be willing to shell out $50 for a working computer for the kids, if not for themself.

    Heck, create a niche for yourself - buy them for $5, refurbish them, and sell them on credit to people who otherwise would never be able to own a computer. Start out with $10 to $15 down, with weekly payments of $10 for 6 weeks. Even if you only receive 2 or 3 payments, you should still come out ahead.
    Refurbs have their own issues discussed here:

    Best bet (IMO) is to scrap what has the high $ and Ebay or Clist what works and is in demand. Or if you live close to a place (CLR Solutions in my case) just tear them down and drive them there.

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