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Escrap Question

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    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Escrap Question

    Instead of making a new thread, each time I may have a question, I am just going to use this thread from now on.

    My question to start this thread off, is this:

    Is the chip in the picture the ones currently worth $120+/lb? Just want to make sure, so I know to separate it from the rest.

    Last edited by GeorgeB; 06-19-2012 at 01:44 PM.
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  2. #2
    Craasher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    Instead of making a new thread, each time I may have a question, I am just going to use this thread from now on.

    My question to start this thread off, is this:

    Is the chip in the picture the ones currently worth $120+/lb? Just want to make sure, so I know to separate it from the rest.
    Yes it is. Looking at ewasted's price list he has them at $130/lb for a 386/486 chip.

  3. #3
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Craasher View Post
    Yes it is. Looking at ewasted's price list he has them at $130/lb for a 386/486 chip.
    Thanks for confirming what I was hoping for Crasher.

    Funny thing is, this came out of an older PC. I figured it would have been in a newer one, but it wasnt.

  4. #4
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Is hard drives just for scrapping, or do they have good resale value to them? This is the first one I have gotten so far. It is 40gb. I checked ebay and granted they do sell, but for lower than expected. Would probably only be worth shipping if seller paid expenses?

  5. #5
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    The stuff is worth what someone is willing to pay for it........I junk all my hard drives but I heard the bigger newer ones can bring some money but I think 40gb is pretty standard or even small........Just start you a box and fill it with drives, when it gets full strip the boards and sell them for 10/lb and sell the cases for dirty aluminum (or at least that's what I do) some people go even further than that

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  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    Is hard drives just for scrapping, or do they have good resale value to them? This is the first one I have gotten so far. It is 40gb. I checked ebay and granted they do sell, but for lower than expected. Would probably only be worth shipping if seller paid expenses?
    The 80 gigs is where I draw the line, anything smaller gets parted and 80g and bigger I try to sell.
    Kinda hard to sell sometimes cause people are buying 500 and 1 tera's now to use so the "small" ones we have is a waste of their time.
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  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Craasher View Post
    Yes it is. Looking at ewasted's price list he has them at $130/lb for a 386/486 chip.
    Do you know if this is this also for the black cap 486's? Some buyers only pay pentium1 price for these.

  9. #8
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    Thanks for confirming what I was hoping for Crasher.

    Funny thing is, this came out of an older PC. I figured it would have been in a newer one, but it wasnt.
    George, these will ONLY come out of old PCs. They will be rare and hard to find. I have only 2 after a year of scrapping computers, but have one of those proverbial whales on a line with a barn and a garage full of them.

    Just treat that like a savings account and set it aside until you have a bunch of them down the road.
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  10. #9
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    I have a guy that sells me bad computer stuff. I trade all of the working 40 gig for any older or broken hard drives even up. It is good will for a regular supplier of material to me, and the boards on the older drives sometimes weigh twice that of the newer ones.

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
    George, these will ONLY come out of old PCs. They will be rare and hard to find. I have only 2 after a year of scrapping computers, but have one of those proverbial whales on a line with a barn and a garage full of them.
    Just treat that like a savings account and set it aside until you have a bunch of them down the road.
    You better check with Olddude and see what he uses for bait,,,lol

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  13. #11
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    The stuff is worth what someone is willing to pay for it........I junk all my hard drives but I heard the bigger newer ones can bring some money but I think 40gb is pretty standard or even small........Just start you a box and fill it with drives, when it gets full strip the boards and sell them for 10/lb and sell the cases for dirty aluminum (or at least that's what I do) some people go even further than that
    Yeah, I wasn't to surprised that the 40gb HD wasn't going for a lot. I mean, it goes for a decent amount, so if I do decide to go the ebay route, I would probably let the buyer pay for shipping...then again, who knows.

    Might just strip them too. Like you said, get me a tote/box full and see lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    The 80 gigs is where I draw the line, anything smaller gets parted and 80g and bigger I try to sell.
    Kinda hard to sell sometimes cause people are buying 500 and 1 tera's now to use so the "small" ones we have is a waste of their time.
    Yeah, I personally have a 300gb external that I have all important files/documents on. I am soon going to be switching over to a 1TB+ though.

    Quote Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
    George, these will ONLY come out of old PCs. They will be rare and hard to find. I have only 2 after a year of scrapping computers, but have one of those proverbial whales on a line with a barn and a garage full of them.

    Just treat that like a savings account and set it aside until you have a bunch of them down the road.
    Really wish you did not just say that, but that is what I was expecting. What is the normal type of chips to come out of PCs?

    And trust me, I will definitely treat it like a savings account for sure.

  14. #12
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    fact is, a 40MB would sell now for better than a 40GB (i'd save the 512/540's too, that's in MBs ; ) And those CPUs, did you try googeling one, to see what they're going for as CPUs?

  15. #13
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    fact is, a 40MB would sell now for better than a 40GB (i'd save the 512/540's too, that's in MBs ; ) And those CPUs, did you try googeling one, to see what they're going for as CPUs?

    I wouldnt imagine many people buying a 40mb hard drive..

    Do you have a picture of the 512/540s?

    I ebay researched them. Minus the the one worth $130, none of the others were worth nothing except maybe one.

  16. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    Really wish you did not just say that, but that is what I was expecting. What is the normal type of chips to come out of PCs?

    And trust me, I will definitely treat it like a savings account for sure.
    George probably the most basic chip you will find is in the Pentium 4 / Celeron range which have metal caps on them. These are in the $8.65/lb range. You might also get slot processers which have plastic housings around them and look like a hershey bar. Take the plastic housing off and you will get $10.50/lb for them. The other ones I get less frequently are fiber caps which are usually green or brown fiber (looks and kinda feels like plastic) and these are around $18.00/lb.

    Here is ewasted's price list only current from 6/1/2012
    CPUs Must be SORTED
    Intel 386/486: $130.00/lb
    Motorola: $95.00/lb
    Pentium Pro Gold Caps: $100/lb
    Cyrix/IBM/Via Gold Cap: $56.00/lb
    Pentium Ceramic: $40.00/lb
    AMD Ceramic: $34.00/lb
    Black fiber: $34.00/lb
    Green/Brown Fiber w/o Metal: $18.00/lb
    P4/Celeron/Green Fiber Metal Caps: $8.65/lb
    No Pin CPU: $7.25/lb
    Slot Processors (clean and removed from enclosure) $10.50/lb

    THis will help you get an idea of the different kinds of chips out there and by looking at the list and your chip you can usually deduct which kind you have.

  17. #15
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    I think I have a few of plastic housing looking ones....just not sure how to get them off.

  18. #16
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    I just got an old P3 in a plastic housing out of a computer... I'm scratching my head also.

  19. #17
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustInTime View Post
    I just got an old P3 in a plastic housing out of a computer... I'm scratching my head also.
    atleast I'm not the only one. I will try and take it off later and hopefully not break it.

  20. #18
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    It looks like its clipped together with plastic clips. I only had a minute but I tried taking a screwdriver to it and prying it open but didn't have any luck.

  21. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB
    I think I have a few of plastic housing looking ones....just not sure how to get them off.
    Quote Originally Posted by JustInTime
    I just got an old P3 in a plastic housing out of a computer... I'm scratching my head also.
    Quote Originally Posted by JustInTime View Post
    It looks like its clipped together with plastic clips. I only had a minute but I tried taking a screwdriver to it and prying it open but didn't have any luck.
    I use a screwdriver on all slot processors embedded in plastic. Here's a photo tutorial:

    If it's just plastic on one side and a flat metal heatsink on the other, I have the plastic side facing up and stick the screwdriver in from the bottom (where you see the slot sticking out) and using the actual board inside for support, pull the handle of the screwdriver towards me to pull the plastic piece away (plastic holders will pop on the one side):

    Then I can usually pull the other side off by hand (if not stick the screwdriver in the other side to pop it). Now you see the actual slot processor, but the heatsink is still attached to the other side. There are two metal clips on the side you're viewing that hold the heatsink in place:

    Pop those metal clips and the heatsink will come off.

    There are no gold fingers on the slot processor pictured above. This was one I had already removed from the housing and cut the fingers off. I put it back together to take the pictures.

    There are other slot processor styles that hold them together, but all are on the same basic principle.
    Last edited by AJR; 06-20-2012 at 02:41 PM.

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  23. #20
    BarrenRealms007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    Instead of making a new thread, each time I may have a question, I am just going to use this thread from now on.

    My question to start this thread off, is this:

    Is the chip in the picture the ones currently worth $120+/lb? Just want to make sure, so I know to separate it from the rest.
    We currently are ofering $140 /lb for the 486's
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