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whale opdate 6/28/12

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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    whale opdate 6/28/12

    figgured its about time for an update: looks like we lost the hard drives, not definate yet, but it appears they would rather pay another co. $500,000 to take the drives rather then sell them to us. hmmm me thinks I smell some payola here. however the conselation prize was 10 cases of new never opend hard drives. (wont men diddly to me but my partner loves it.) also it looks like we may get the servers free since under their contract with the provider they dont own them, and the providers dont want them back. so actual ownership is up in the air every one concerned just wants them goneand sence our client is spending $ 40,000,000 with their provider they left the option up to our client.

    the next change is that origionaly we had to scrap all the servers or lease them, we couldnt sell them, good for me right , that has also changed. my partner was given permission to dispose of them any way he wants, which means he can sell them. He is a hoarder and an IT guy so what do ya think hes gonna do.

    Out of the 2 pallets we got, I got 6 servers to scrap so far. there is some good news tho all six were monsters they weighed over 800 lbs they are 2002 IBM GSA approved for military use, aparently our cliant is a military contractor. most every thing including the power supplys are operated by huge finger cards. I have scrapped 3 so far and have about 60 lb of finger cards. the processors (there are 2 each) are about 3 inches by 3 inches but solderd to the boards.

    Ineedsome info on these from you ewaste buyers, how do I handle these processors , remove them or sell the whole board ? cant send pictures as Im still on my daughters lap top.

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    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Nice .....As far as hoarding those servers.....Sure give em a shot as resell but you are going to make around the same money scrappin em as selling after marketing, dealing with idiots, etc.....In my humble opinion

  4. #3
    scrapmastertim's Avatar
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    WoW. Even with out it looks like you got an awesome score.

  5. #4
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    ya if it was up to me I would scrap them all. but I have a partner who is a hoarder and an IT guy. worst combo possable when scrapping computers. he would rather have his teeth pulled with no novicane then give up a working server. Im just going to have to waite untill he realises just how much space 6000 servers take up.

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  7. #5
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Very nice score olddude. 6000 of that same server? Can I take a month off and come work with you? Just kidding. I am starting to get knee deep here as well.
    "64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981

  8. #6
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
    Very nice score olddude. 6000 of that same server? Can I take a month off and come work with you? Just kidding. I am starting to get knee deep here as well.
    Knee deep isn't the word my brother..........I am ******* deep if not further....LOL

  9. #7
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    most are IBM but there are some HP in there also. there are a few special service IBMs custom built they say cost over $300.000. gotta see one of those to believe it.

  10. #8
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    most are IBM but there are some HP in there also. there are a few special service IBMs custom built they say cost over $300.000. gotta see one of those to believe it.
    Well, they did. Key word being did. Now they have a scrap value, or a resale value far below that. Custom built server may be akin to a custom built space shuttle. Costs a fortune, but if you make the same model for the masses you cut the cost by 90%. But, you know this stuff. I do kind of hate tearing apart that stuff for scrap, but if it is truely scrap, then that is what it is.

  11. #9
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Computer stuff is worth what someone is willing to pay for it.........No more no less.......I always like having the option of selling an item as scrap to recover any investment I made

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