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Is this lot of computer stuff worth it

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    digbmx4130 started this thread.
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    Is this lot of computer stuff worth it

    I picked up this stuff today from my grandparents. Not sure if its worth taking it all apart. About how much would I be looking at? Was thinking about cutting all the cords off and listing it on CL for free. Ive never dismantled anything like this to scrap so im not real sure whats worth anything.

    I guess I cannot post pictures yet. Ive got a computer monitor, couple printers, fax machines, big xerox machine and some projectors.

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Yes it is if you didn't pay for it. There are many threads on the dismantling of monitors/tv's. There are also many threads on printers. The big xerox machine might prove to be interesting.

    We have a new member forum and lots of sticky threads. Read all you can then proceed with caution with the crt monitor they can hold a dangerous charge. Take the time to dismantle some of this stuff it will teach you if you want to in the future. Reading the old threads is the quickest way to become educated. Many generous members have contributed most of what you will need to know to do well in scraping. Best of luck, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  4. #3
    digbmx4130 started this thread.
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    Ive been reading a lot of stuff, I really don't want to be left with a big pile of plastic tho.

  5. #4
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    I include the plastice with the steel in the shred pile so I don't have to dispose of much plastic, Mike.

  6. #5
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    WOW!!! why are you here if your afraid to take things apart, thats what scrapping is all about. Everything you mentioned is worth taking apart, just jump in and take it apart and see whats in it. Put the plastic out with the trash or try to find a plastic recycler in your area that would take it, worst case would be that you might have to take it to the dump.

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  8. #6
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Everyone scraps different Happy. You know this man! Some folks like to break it all down into many piles ( like me, me bash! arrgh!) some just like to strip the easy stuff an drop it at the yard. Think we can all agree there is no right way to do it, just your way.

    Breaking down is a huge part of this business but some folks manage to get by without doing so. How many posts out there on pay per hour of breaking things down vs. getting the good stuff an to hell with the rest? Quite a few at lest when poking through the archives here.

    Far as worse case..I for example can't just put plastic/whatever on my curb for the trash guys. 1. My trash guys don't pick up anything not in the can. Nothing. Yes it pisses me off. 2. I don't have a curb. Hahaha.

    Anyways not trying to be a douche or anything but felt it should be pointed out..there is no set way to scrap. What works for me, may not for you. As the saying goes..Your mileage may vary.

    Long as your happy with the results who am I to tell you, your way is wrong?

    Sirscrapalot - In a thoughtful mood tonight.

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  10. #7
    digbmx4130 started this thread.
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    I am not afraid to take anything apart. I don't scrap full time or pay my bills, I do it on the side from time to time to buy more guns. I was just asking if the reward was worth the time. I don't want to invest in a few hours if I'm only going to get a couple bucks. I would much rather spend that time with my 2 year old daughter.

  11. #8
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    Id like to hear what you have scrapped before..every item takes time to obtain n breakdown..anyways i can do 4 monitors or so an hour while drinkin a few beers..printers arent worth much so take a sec to read a thread on what n what not to do..same with fax machines..if u dont know what to take out of them b4 chucking it in the shred, you should take a few mins to read what to do...

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  13. #9
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    well, i would test the projectors, if they work, you can sell those, or donate to a school or church, the personal printers will net you around 8 pounds of plastic, maybe 2 pounds of grade A boards, one pound of grade C boards, maybe half a pound of aluminum heat sinks, and 1 pound of transformers, the bigger printer will net you maybe 30 or 40 pounds of steel, maybe a hard drive/memory, 20lbs of plastic, some A grade and C grade boards, transformers, #2 insulated copper (maybe #1 copper if stripped), maybe a few other goodies, and the fax machines wont have too much. mainly plastic and boards a lil bit of #2 insulated copper...

    at my yards that is between $18 - $30 in scrap and depending on the projector type or whether or not they work you might get a few bucks in scrap to a couple of hundred selling them... really just depends on what you have and what the yards are paying in your area...

    Happy Scrapping!!!

  14. #10
    digbmx4130 started this thread.
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    If the forum would let me post a picture I would.

  15. #11
    digbmx4130 started this thread.
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    Last trip I made for the first week in June.

    96lbs or SS
    168lbs of brass
    172lbs of alum extrusions
    396lbs of cast alum.... $635

    I have another trip tomorrow with maybe half of whats listed above.

  16. #12
    digbmx4130 started this thread.
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    Finally can post a picture.. here is some other the computer stuff I got.

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