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Close to agreement with yard.

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  1. #1
    Geiser093 started this thread.
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    Close to agreement with yard.

    I went to the yard this morning. I had a very small load to take in. The scale guy I have been talking to about my e-waste business is pretty cool. He always takes care of me so this morning I gave him an amp, speakers, and a head unit. Yjey were given to me and yes I could have sold them. I just didn't need the few bucks that badly. So we are talking and he tells me he told the owner about me. He said I knew what I was talking about and that I was a straight shooter , thank you forum members for the education.

    Anyway I go back this morning and the owner wants to meet with me and sell me all their e-scrap. I told them I will help sort it out, or purchase by the pallet shrink wrapped, whatever is a better fit. I told him I am small and just starting so I am running on a small budget. I'd like to make more small pick ups and turn it over. I gave him a price list and we should be moving forward soon.

    My real motivation is to use him as a reference. I buy e-scrap from "xxx123xxx,,,". and would like to know if you would like a similar purchase agreement!!! Inside of 30 days I could be making a real go of this!! I'm Pumped....

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  3. #2
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    Sounds like you have a possibilty of a real deal. I hope for the best. I suggest you take you time and go a little slow with this first customer. Make sure you will be able to expand after you have this one worked out and able to process all you get. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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    Geiser093 started this thread.
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    Thanks for the advice. I am going to take it slow and I will post if I have any questions.

  6. #4
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I buy from two local yards but I have the capital to go in and buy out the whole warehouse if needed......The only thing buying from yards is they tend to not sort their material as well as I would.....They have employees who get paid by the hour and don't care if a lower grade board slips in with a higher grade.........I have already had to lower my prices once due to this and am looking for an alternative without having to go the yard and sort entire gaylords on the spot.........One yard I deal with might trust me enough to take the material and sort it and then pay them but I haven't decided.......I however do like having the purchasing power to buy from local yards as they will usually get more than I can..........Anyways good luck and make sure they or you are sorting the material correctly or you will lose your ass

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  8. #5
    Geiser093 started this thread.
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    Yes, I am prepared to get a little mixture from them and my prices are adjusted accordingly. I know they are not experts and will let them know I have to operate the same as they do. With my small margin on big numbers I need to buy right. So when my cast is in with shred I get shred for it all. The same should apply.

    One of the things was thinking was to use a pricelist and pay on a percentage of that pricelist. The price I get x .80 for example. In exchange they agree to sell to me for one year. Is this a good idea. 20% for processing should be a tidy profit unless I am mistaken. I also know what they were getting from a previous buyer and it was very little. What I can get for driving to e-wasted once a month should be nice.

    While I can't buy out a wharehouse I can buy what they want to sell. If I have to I will borrow money to cover it. AND If it is that much like $25,000 or more I guess you'll be coming to Pittsburgh and we will work something out and buy it together.
    Last edited by Geiser093; 07-09-2012 at 07:17 PM.

  9. #6
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geiser093 View Post
    Yes, I am prepared to get a little mixture from them and my prices are adjusted accordingly. I know they are not experts and will let them know I have to operate the same as they do. With my small margin on big numbers I need to buy right. So when my cast is in with shred I get shred for it all. The same should apply.

    One of the things was thinking was to use a pricelist and pay on a percentage of that pricelist. The price I get x .80 for example. In exchange they agree to sell to me for one year. Is this a good idea. 20% for processing should be a tidy profit unless I am mistaken. I also know what they were getting from a previous buyer and it was very little. What I can get for driving to e-wasted once a month should be nice.

    While I can't buy out a wharehouse I can buy what they want to sell. If I have to I will borrow money to cover it. AND If it is that much like $25,000 or more I guess you'll be coming to Pittsburgh and we will work something out and buy it together.
    LOL.....If the money is right I'll help you in any way I can and I do travel if I think there is money to be made...........If you do run into whole warehouses of e-waste and need some help let me know as I have offered to back deals before on here but never been able to pull the trigger due to logistics etc.....I wish you all the luck in the world and after your first big buy you will know how you fared and adjust accordingly

  10. #7
    copycat's Avatar
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    how much are you buying this stuff for? By the pound? I also was thinking of talking to my scrap yard about about ewaste.

  11. #8
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    my recjent and current experience with my whale is a lerning experience every day. its great to hook a whale then finally get him landed untill you suddenly realise you are going to need a bigger boat and a whole lot of help chopping him up. I have taken on a lot of projects in my life some of them huge, but never any thing like I have gotten a hold of this time. Going slow is great advise believe me.

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  13. #9
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    Good luck with your e-waste deal if i could give you my .02 cents most yards dont know as much as you think about the dirrerent grades of e-scrap and there help knows less so keep your knowlage to your self as much as possibile,lose lips sink ships,having owned my own yard i will tell you that they dont like the fact that you would be going after there customers and they really dont like there customers knowing where they sell there goods just like you don't tell your clients where you sell your material,my advise keep your mouth closed,and your pockets will be full.

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  15. #10
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    Good luck with your deal. Hope it works out and turns into something bigger.
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  16. #11
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by copycat View Post
    how much are you buying this stuff for? By the pound? I also was thinking of talking to my scrap yard about about ewaste.
    Ya, I did that at my local yard and then they started a big advertising campaign and now their buying all kinds of electronics, including all the computers/parts real cheap. The boy of the family was in college for computers so he got the bright idea after I offered to buy any off of them that came in,in their shred pile.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  18. #12
    c4f5's Avatar
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    Congrats. Definitely get comfortable handling one large account before attempting to expand on it. Don't give the whale the opportunity to slap you in the face with it's tail. Best of luck with this venture!

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