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Ewaste help for nervous n00b!

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  1. #1
    Scott started this thread.
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    Ewaste help for nervous n00b!

    I found a local place that buys escrap! On the phone he said he paid like 10 cents a lb for low grade boards! I thought I was going to throw them away (and did a few) but now I have a buyer, whoo hoo! Unfortunately they are closed and I can't ask what he expects to see on them.

    I took apart a few power supplies and see a few heat sinks and some copper on the boards. One even had a small green board. The only way to get the metal off involves breaking the boards. Are broken low grade boards normal or am I trying to sell garbage at 10 cents after I rip off the good parts?

    Next is about fans. They pay for electric motors so should I break off the fan stuff until I get to the motor?

    I don't want to look stupid (I will and understand that) but I want to be able to say "somebody told me..." so I look like I can follow directions. I will have a few more questions unless I find out before I go (tomorrow or Sat.)

    Thanks ahead of time!

  2. #2
    rca987's Avatar
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    For Fans, I have to snip off the 4 plastic "support beams" on the front of the fan for it to be taken as electric motor.

    The yard is like an encyclopedia. I say this because they will tell you exactly how they want it and what they will look for, etc.

    "Somebody told me" is like Wikipedia. It could very well be true, but is known for not always being that.

    Ask the yard questions about the DO's and DO NOT's
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  3. #3
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    A broken board is worth the same as a whole board, thats why they dont pay much.

    Fans stay whole, I just snip the wires.

    Do some reading in the archives, all your questions will be answered

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  5. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    The big answer is " every yard is different and wants things different ways". The low grades usually can be broke after I pull off the bigger chokes and heatsinks. And my yard will also let all the plastic stay on our fans and brackets on electric motors. Unless there is someone on here that has been to your yard we have no way of knowing exactly how they want it. The other big controversy is "what is #1 and what is #2 copper at your yard", might has well find out now.
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  6. #5
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Each buyer is diffrant so what we tell here might not be true to your buyer, just bring what you have and tell them that your new at this and ask them what they want. Yes broken low grade (brown) boards are ok. I take transformers,heat sinks,ic chips and copper off my brown boards but only brown boards. Power supply boards are called power boards and most buyers will pay a little more for them if they are intact. It's up to you as to how you want to do that. Don't be afraid to ask questions when you go that's how we all started out.

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  8. #6
    Scott started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyscraper View Post
    Each buyer is diffrant so what we tell here might not be true to your buyer, just bring what you have and tell them that your new at this and ask them what they want. Yes broken low grade (brown) boards are ok. I take transformers,heat sinks,ic chips and copper off my brown boards but only brown boards. Power supply boards are called power boards and most buyers will pay a little more for them if they are intact. It's up to you as to how you want to do that. Don't be afraid to ask questions when you go that's how we all started out.
    That is what I was looking for, thanks a bunch! I understand some do and some don't this and that. I have some of each (stripped and complete) so we will just see what happens.

    Thanks again

  9. #7
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    I've taken a suggestion too, to remove the top from power supplies, and toss em in with electric motors. I'm failry certain if there's a healthy mix, they'll let it go, only time will tell ; )

  10. #8
    Scott started this thread.
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    I get it, all yards are different!

    I was going to take a sample today but got lost. I got back home 20 minutes before closing time so I started cracking open a few beers...

  11. #9
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    I have found that if there is a big enough transformer on the boards I can get them to pass as transformer price. This is usually .10 per pound more than motors. I have a guy who gives me power boards from these ultrasonic cleaner things and that's what I do with them. I take the huge heat sink off and the yard buys the board at transformer price. A lot of times if you build a relationship with your yard they will work with you on stuff like this.

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  13. #10
    trashmaster's Avatar
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    Hi Scott.

    You are very luckey that you have a very large buyer in your back door,;;;
    Escrap plus is in Belleville,Il Just across the river ... Robs # is (618) 558-6048 ,,,..;;;; Zacks # is (618)719-1849
    Address is 621 Atlanta Drive ,Belleville,IL. 62220

    Great guys to work with and they will take thr time to show you what to do and what not to do.

    And there prices are as good as the buyers that you have to pay the shipping to.

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  15. #11
    Scott started this thread.
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    I will call and check in a couple days, thanks for the tip trashmaster!

    Auburnewaste you brought up another question. The small transformers are a pita to take apart for not much copper. Are they normally put in with motors?

  16. #12
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    wounder why the ADM bothers and goes to the extra expence of keeping archives.

  17. #13
    Scott started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    wounder why the ADM bothers and goes to the extra expence of keeping archives.
    I have been reading quite a few old threads olddude. When you don't know the word to use (yet) it can be difficult on the search function. I mentioned I was a n00b so you would understand why I ask stupid questions. To make it better one day this thread may help another who fears asking questions and you won't suffer the pain of reading a thread you didn't want to.

  18. #14
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scott View Post
    I will call and check in a couple days, thanks for the tip trashmaster!

    Auburnewaste you brought up another question. The small transformers are a pita to take apart for not much copper. Are they normally put in with motors?

    Scott, you should get a higher price for transformers than motors. A transformer is a transformer, so the size should not matter.

  19. #15
    BigRyan's Avatar
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    Hey Scott!

    Good luck on whatever you do. I'm in your general area and there are several good buyers around (in and around the metro east and STL), including trashmaster's recommendation of escrap plus in Belleville. I've sold e-scrap to just about everyone around here it seems, so if you ever have any questions about my past experiences, don't hesitate to shoot me a PM.

  20. #16
    Scott started this thread.
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    Went to Escrap Plus this morning and brought a small mix. I was so excited to get money ($33) I forgot to get a receipt to look at. I forgot my processors heat sinks and electric motors so I'll save those for next time. Good guys there thanks for the tip!

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