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Hi. If you have some old circuit boards lying around, perhaps you have noticed small metal cylinder shaped capacitors on some of them. You may have assumed that they were aluminum or steel. Some of them are. But some have SOLID silver casings on them, with a small tantalum slug inside. Anything that contains solid silver is worth collecting. Now, perhaps you might help me out of a bit of difficulty here. I was injured on the job in 2002 and currently live on a modest social security disability benefit. If you and any friends who may have some of these silver caps would be willing to send me a small batch of them, I hope to be able to catch up a little bit on some crippling debt. Also, if you have the knowledge of how to make this appeal go "viral", would you be willing to help me with this? Write to my email.
From the boards I processed I recovered lots of silver and palladium, to learn howto go gold forum. Most of you will make more profit selling your boards as is.. Although the education gained by processing a few hundred pounds of boards is well worth the effort.
Silver encapsulated caps you most likely to find in vintage electronics from the 1930's to 50's, tantalum surface mount caps are a modern cap.
Also silver caps come in many shapes and sizes that don't even resemble caps as we know them.