So, the load that I grabbed yesterday had 20 monitors with it. The guy actually said he could find something to do with them (throw them in the garbage), and I was able to fit them in so I took them. As long as the monitors do not out number the towers that I am picking up, I offer as part of my service to take the monitors for free and get them to good will for proper recycling.
I no longer break them down and get the components from them for 2 reasons. 1) I am just too busy these days, and 2) I just clip the cord and leave something on the bone for Goodwill for offering this service. I am not sure how they work things there, but I am sure it is better for them or the service that they use to get the stuff other than the leaded glass and the plastic. I also know not to take advantage of a good thing else risk the chance of it going away.
Anyhoo, I get to goodwill yesterday with 10 of these monitors. They are unloading some big trucksand the unloading area is cordonned off. A guy waves me over and heads out with a cart. I greet him and get out of the truck. I say that I have some non working monitors for them. He looks at them and says "why did you bring them here then"? ( I have been here before and these are the words I always use. I have also unloaded with this guy before so he knows). I took offense immediatelly and said "because you take them for recycling, I saved them from the garbage and you guys are going to rcycle them properly". He dropped the attitude, and then I realised that I was dealing with someone who is slightly handicapped, so I dropped the attitude as well.
I unloaded and parked because we needed another TV for the back porch. This is our third. Always humid back there so we grab a 10 or 15 dollar TV and don't worry about it and just grab another when it craps out.
My ire was raised again very quickly as I can almost not get the small shopping cart through the aisles to get to the TVs and then there are some people that have lawn furniture spread out everywhere and I can't get through at all. I gritted my teth and found a rather long alternate route to the TVs. picked out the $15 V with the best picture and headed to checkout. There were customers there that just agrivated me to all get out. Leaving after checking out and leaving their carts right there. I had to get out of line and clear a path so the rest of us could get to check out.
Then the checkout guy was there. He was the most pleasant individual I ran into there all day. He was the last person I dealt with there, and left a positive image of the experience for me. I noted his name and called the store when I got home. I did not tell them my bad points, but only praised the checkout guy at the end.
Anyhoo again, anyone know the full details of what Goodwill gets from us dropping off our monitors? I recall a post some time ago that it is in their favor as they need to hit a total weight limit or something like that.