Originally Posted by
Might want to change your website
"We are committed to keeping all electronic devices out of our landfills!
We pickup, process (break down, seperate), then ship all electronic items to our buyers who recycle the items in a friendly, eco friendly manner."
Throwing CRT glass into a land fill is not an "eco friendly manner."
As a business if you are accepting CRT's then you should be finding an outlet for them regardless if you have to pay or not. If it costs $10 per CRT to dispose then you pass that to your customers not the environment.
Do I tell you how to run your business? No, I do not, so do likewise.
Also, when you strip them, all you have left is the glass and plastic. Which, as i mentioned before the landfill RECYCLES them. The landfill sell the plastic and glass to someone. Who, well you can call them to ask that question.
No respectable landfill will put stuff that is non biodegradable in the ground. If they do, then report them to the EPA.
I get to make money off the #2 copper and wire, and they make money off the leaded glass and plastic. Win win for everyone.
However, i have been thinking and will implement a new idea, that will make me more money. For the most part 8 to 9 out of 10 TVs that I get all work anyways. So, I will simply just sell them for ridiculously low prices. i belong to a ton of groups online and offline that will love to get a new tv for their kids's room or a small den, or any other reason.
You can think of me what you like Drozenski. But if I was the real "bad guy" that you want to make me out to be, i would simply go in back alleys, or river beds, and dump them. However, I am not like that. Also, you have contacts that i don't have, so just because you have resources for things, doesnt mean we all do.
@parrothead, my appologies for high jacking this thread.