Originally Posted by
Link worked form me.
So you have to photo each drive and the distroyed disc's for each? If so that does add a lot to the proceedure. Did the client require this type of distruction with the photo or was it your idea? Thanks for posting this. Mike.
It's what we agreed on. Shearing the drives is my selling point. If I could get a drive shredder I would just do that, but holy crap they are expensive. My tabletop shear cost $75 and the first batch of drives paid for it. This is mine, prices went up a bit I think.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/8-Sheet-Meta...item51a07bbc90 It's like a huge paper cutter. It works great to clip connectors off ribbon cables also... that's it secondary function.
It doesn't take long to take the pics. Just have the drive covers with the platter pieces stacked up and take one off, take a pic, take the next, take a pic. My camera gets good shots each time. Only takes a few moments per drive.

Originally Posted by
1 every 3 minutes? WOW
When I do something I find the most efficient way I can, as everyone else does.
I have high speed assembly screwdrivers. Like this one
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ingersoll-Ra...item1c25cdc383 I found mine for $50 each. Make sure the one you gets plugs into a wall not a power supply! (otherwise you will have to buy a power supply also)
I try to find identical drives and do them 4 at a time. 2 torx bits sizes usually do the trick. I take all the screws off the motherboards all at once, pull the boards, flip the drives, pull all screws from covers, take all covers off, remove all exposed screws, switch bits, remove all screws from platter retaining rings, pull the platters, put them on the lids and set them aside for the shear, pull the motors, exc....
do the same step on 4 drives all at once and you don't have to fumble for tools and switch bits as often. Have the right tools right there and do enough to have the experience to know what you are looking at and what it takes to remove it. Have your shred bucket under your table so you can do a quick sweep of you hand to drop the screws into it.