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In weeks past ive been introduced to 3 different guys who refurbish computers. I use these guys to determine for me whats good and bad. I dont have too much to test or even the knowledge to plus the additional time to market it all. Whenever i have a good load i call these three guys, sometimes they show up all at once and end up bidding eachother up on units. I had multiple towers sell from $40 to $60. I tend to come across units that are leass than 5 years old and my computer guys tend to take about 40% of my towers and all of my LCD monitors. I average about $25 per tower and $10 per monitor. I consider this to be twice the value of scrap and i dont have to spend anytime breaking them down. I consider my situation rather good right now. I have one guy promising to pay premiums if i call him first.
My loads have been the exact opposite lately. Tons of older stuff. Vintage. I'm talking Kaypro, late 80's early 90's Macs, IBM suitcase models, & numerous others. Obviously there's value in these - be it vintage, for parts, or as scrap since the contents are usually sweet. It just so tedious for me to research, clean, and test each model. Feels like I'm turning circles. I picked up about 50 towers/laptops last week half of which were vintage. I'm half tempted to just start popping screws on them all but figure I'll kick myself later if I do.