First, don't forget to take the plastic off the slot processor. Second, take a flat screw driver and a hammer and see if you can get the screw driver between the aluminum and the copper it should be soldered on and it should pop right off.
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First, don't forget to take the plastic off the slot processor. Second, take a flat screw driver and a hammer and see if you can get the screw driver between the aluminum and the copper it should be soldered on and it should pop right off.
So, I have been curious, since my time here, I have read from many of you on how much ewaste you send in.
So, out of curiosity, how do you guys decide when it is time to cash in? I realize that the market is one key factor.
But do you base it on how many computers you break down, say every 30, you cash in?
Or do you base it on lbs. Say, every 50 lbs you cash in?
I like to cash in every week or 2 if possible. But thats usually when im getting around 1000-2000 lbs i flipping out cause im running out of space. Today alone filled my garage glad i got a pickup scheduled for next week. AND im finally getting paid the same day for all my Escrap is a Christmas miracle.
I thought I was going to ship every month or so when I first started about 5 months ago. My first delivery was scrap from about 120 towers and servers. My 2nd month I thought I mastered my skill and doubled my frst month. So I thought Id keep that pace. But for whatever reason I ended up stockpiling and skipped a month. Then the prices dropped and in a way I'm glad they did. It gave me time to rethink my game and that's what led me to this forum. Since then I've learned to resell before I scrap and I've built a strong network of four guys who battle it out for my my "good" towers and LCD monitors. I've now sold over 10 towers for $50. Its safe to say I sell about 35 percent of all my towers for $20 to $40. In about 2 months time i have sold a total of 54 towers and 68 monitors. Now that prices have gone up a bit I'm now making arrangements to deliver over 4000 lbs. This wasn't the original plan but it's where I'm at today. I choose to drive my stuff to my buyer so I can spend some time learning from him. So to answer your question, since I basically have the space and storage containers to hold 4000 pounds I wait till I have that quantity. I was able to accumulate that in 2 months after selling what I could.
Well it will definitely take more time and networking to reach those weights, but that is pretty good. Who do you generally sell to?
That is exactly how I am. I have scrap metal stock piled at my in laws. Waiting for the prices to rebound which will be very soon around here!
I have been seeing more and more people doing like you described. Selling some of the towers to guys for far more than scrap prices.
What kind of guys do you sell to? Computer repair?
I am going to be start working on building my network of those kinds of buyers.
Multiple people on the forum suggested I try to sell before scrap. I was hesitant cause I didn't know too much about computers bedsides tearing them apart. Then I simply posted "lots of misc. Computer parts" on Craigslist. The next day I had a guy over drooling over my piles. He was a refurbisher. He basically begged me not to break any more down till I called him. Since then I've met a few more guys. All refurbishers. They tend to be interested in all of my stuff less than 4 hrs old and almost all my lap tops. I have multiple hospitals I get computers from and they seem to get rid of a lot of newer stuff. Im working with a 600 bed hospital right now, by years end they will have replaced all their older towers, leaving me over 800. One of my refurbishers takes scrap from his other guys he buys towers from as a "favor" and gives me all of it. In return I give him a tower or two. It works out great.
Another thing I do is place all of my empty towers on Craigslist as computer scrap metal for free. I do this with hopes of meeting another refurbisher who is looking for empty towers, hopefully he'll want to buy. At a minimum, I meet people who say they'll swap me a few full towers for my next load of empty 50. This is my source of networking.
I did that for a short while. I was contacted by a young man (computer geek) about my parts. Then he would take a few computers and rebuild them with some of my better parts and we'd sell them and split the profit. He moved quite a ways away so I'll have to go looking around again for another hobby/tech because I knew some of the computers looked really nice to be junking them. I made $115 off of 3 pieces.Quote:
I have been seeing more and more people doing like you described. Selling some of the towers to guys for far more than scrap prices.
What kind of guys do you sell to? Computer repair?
I am going to be start working on building my network of those kinds of buyers.
I was figuring that craigslist would be the best way of doing that.
I think that is what I am going to do here soon, is place a few ads on craigslist to get them to contact me. Then find out what specifically they are interested in the most, and be on the search for those pieces.
I have a lot of ewaste buyers around the area alone just for scrapping them, so I want to find some that will pay maybe better than scrap prices too.
It seems like almost every 3 or 4 junk hauling job that I have been doing now, I am getting between 1 to 3 pcs. It has been great.
Yeah, that is why I would want a few contacts. When people buy stuff from me now, I always ask them, what else they are into it. I created a database and add to it, when I get new buyers, and in the database, I have what they search for it.
I am also doing that, because next year, once we get our takes back, I am taking between $500 to $1,000 and getting involved in storage auctions around here (Yes, I watch storage wars, and storage wars texas, but I am more realistic than that).
I just live in an area where storage places are as common as anything else. Plus, a friend of ours used to be storage managers, and another friend is a current storage manager, so I have good connections already.
So, in a few days, I will be able to test all my hard drives, and cd/dvd drives as well.
However, I was thinking about my video cards, sound cards, ethernet cards, etc. How do you test all of those?
Also, if I scrap them, is it better to remove the metal brackets that you plug your monitor and other stuff into?
That depends on your buyer, some do and some don't require you to remove the brackets, check with yours to know for sure.Quote:
Also, if I scrap them, is it better to remove the metal brackets that you plug your monitor and other stuff into?
Bottom is copper, fins are usually aluminum. Somethimes the whole thing is nickel plated too, and almost looks like stainless. I usually separate the copper. Clamp the copper bottom in a vise and bust off the fins. I use an air chisel, but you could also use a hammer chisel or even a large screwdriver. The fins usually come off easy.
What are the wires made of? Everyone I have cut into are silver in color, for towers, crts, and even on TV's. Is there any value to these wires, or trash, what do I do? Thanks.
Thanks Mechanic, I guess I haven't found that part of the reading yet. I've just been getting a little antsy with the stuff piling up in the garage.
Not to mention that there is no such thing as a wire that goes in the trash! If it has ANY metal at all it has value............PERIOD!
I'm old enough, by a long shot, to remember going to the library and spending days researching. If I was looking for a line from a poem or something else I needed, that would be the trip I would have to take.
Charlie Kaufman
Exactly. However we live in a gimmie, gimmie, instant society now and kids just don't understand how things use to be.
Today it's all about the instant messaging, fast food dinners, and everything being handed to them on a silver platter. Then they throw the platter away cause they see no value.
It's only going to get worse from here on out for awhile.
Okay a few more questions.
I just got the stuff in the mail today to test hard drives, cd/dvd etc drives.
1. I have 4 programs to destroy hard drive data. The one I just used was Hard Drive Eraser. It took like an hour or so. (I took it off quick erase). Anyway, I dont have the patience for each program to take 1 or more hours. Granted, I could, but still. Anyways, for those of who you destroy them using a program, which one do you highly recommend?
I dont mind using 1 and it taking an hour, I just dont want to use 3 and they all take that long.
2. I am noticing on the hard drives that it says if 1 or more screws are missing then the warranties are void for it. On this particular HDD, 3 on one side, and 1 on the other side are missing. Would something possibly still buy this like that, or if it is missing even 1 screw, that it is just good for scrap?
3. I have several PCI cards...I would like to sell them for more than scrap, but how do you test them? Only way I can figure, is playing them into a scrap computer, and testing them that way, but im sure there is a better, smarter way of doing that. Also, would it be the same for RAM?
Thanks again!
ok ill try to answer your questions.
1 pick a program you like to use and do the 3 pass wipe. That is the DOD standard one usualy. It will take an hour at least to do this and even longer on larger drives. The 200gb or larger drives I do before I go to bed I just set it to run and its done in the AM.
2 If your reselling the drives the waranty wont be good anyway. Generaly I dont sell drives with missing screws because this open the inside of the drive to dust.
3 Only way to test a video card that I know of is to plug it in and run testing software. For selling on ebay I just plug them into my test bench systems I have set up and if it powers up and screen comes on I call it good. Be warned that this isnt the end all test and if your selling some gaming type cards they may fail under stress testing. You may get returns if this happens. There are some programs out there for strss testing video cards as well.
I test ram the same way. Plug it in run test software on it. Or you can buy a ram tester but they run about 3000 to 5000 bucks.
Hope that helps.