GeorgeB you private messages are blocked. Had something to ask ya... thanks Jim
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GeorgeB you private messages are blocked. Had something to ask ya... thanks Jim
I have 4 pc chips that appear to do well on ebay. However, is it a good idea to sell them individually or grouped together?
Okay, so apparently now IC Chips are valuable too. But how the heck do you remove them? Is there a simple process? If not, I am not going to bother and just take that small loss.
George...Do you pay attention to anything that goes on around here?
I always look forward to your comments KZBell. Thanks for not letting me down!
I have tried that with the ones that have like 20 or 30 silver looks pins all around them, and the ones that don't. All it manages to do, is break chip apart.
wierd i have never broken a IC chip. Are you sure they are the socket-ed ones?
I am referring to these types of "IC Chips" perhaps are definitions are different, but these are what I am referring to.
On your top picture you can take a wood chisel and get under it but don't break the black top off. On the bottom picture you can use the corner of the chisel or a utility knife and score the les and it should pop off.
Agreed you would think with a join date of sep 2011 and close to 2000 posts you would pick up on things.
I think some one needs to go back too the noob section and read up, many of these questions have been answered many many many times and most are just common sense.
You commented recently it was just easier for you to start a new thread and ask a simple question, then to do some research. Well it's one thing for a noob to do that while they are getting started but come on...we expect a little more effort out of someone that owns so many businesses.
I said that I was guilty of doing that. Never said that it was easier.
Me owning more than one business has nothing to do with it. One business has not a thing to do with another.
You dont like the posts, there is a report button.
I asked a simple question. If you can provide an answer, great, if not, then don't, etc.
GEO those chips should be left on the board. If you take them off you will devalue the board. Unless your just taking them off the low grade stuff. I also use a wood chisel.
George no offense but you ask a lot of newbie questions..........My suggestion is find one of everything (EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO BUY IT) and take it apart and sell it.........Figure out what it's worth, if it's worth breaking down, and how much to pay again.....Monday I'm picking up four old gas pumps (Not antique or anything) I payed $80 bucks for.......To me $80 is worth the price of admision and I will know exactly what they are worth......I wish you all the best but I knew the feedback your getting was coming sooner than later..........Oh well to answer your question I don't ever remove those chips but some people sware by it
I think no matter how much is written it just doesn't sink in for me, but show me, just once, maybe twice, and i'll master it.
so I guess doing at least one of everything will give me just what I want to learn.
although I don't think i'll ever find an erotic vibrator out on hard rubbish day, and I do want to scrap one,
so there will still be newbie questions as there must be someone here that scrapped one?
But yeah, i'm holding at least one of everything, and some things different brands/models.
George, those chips are called flatpacks, it looks like a green board there, are you sure that is not a mid grade? If so it is worth it to leave them on, we usually pull the IC chips (that's the ones with legs on just 2 sides) off the brown boards only.