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  1. #61
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    How much do you all generally charge for monitors?

    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  2. #62
    chrisc's Avatar
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    i charge 15 each

  3. #63
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisc View Post
    i charge 15 each
    I have noticed a few places around here that charge $15/monitor.

    To me, I know what I have to pay for 1,400 lbs of monitors and tvs, which is only like $50 or less dollars. My landfill does recycling, so everything we drop off, gets sorted, and they actually double dip in the funds, but that is on them.

    I am thinking of charging probably $5 a monitor. It would take a lot to generate 1,400lbs of them, and even at $5 a month, the first 10 will pay for the disposal, and then the rest is profit.

  4. #64
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    George the land fill here used to charge for them and now they no longer take CRT monitors or TV's, the city charges $10 for tv and $5 for monitors. Most places were charging $5 - $10 to take them. But now a place is taking them for free if you have fewer than 30. Over 30 a $8.00 fee. They used to charge for them now they don't if you have a few. If you can get rid of the tubes and the plastic for free or cheep I would not charge

  5. #65
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    george i do it usual due to distance to travel ,my town will take 2 a week for free ,if i have a customer giving computers i will take 2 for free but your business just charge few dollars less than your town charges

  6. #66
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    George the land fill here used to charge for them and now they no longer take CRT monitors or TV's, the city charges $10 for tv and $5 for monitors. Most places were charging $5 - $10 to take them. But now a place is taking them for free if you have fewer than 30. Over 30 a $8.00 fee. They used to charge for them now they don't if you have a few. If you can get rid of the tubes and the plastic for free or cheep I would not charge
    Unfortunately, no place around here that I have YET to find takes them for FREE. Most places charge $15/monitor, but the recycling landfill charges per weight, and it is a little less than junk weight, so as I said, I could charge $5/monitor and still come out alright most times.

    Quote Originally Posted by chrisc View Post
    george i do it usual due to distance to travel ,my town will take 2 a week for free ,if i have a customer giving computers i will take 2 for free but your business just charge few dollars less than your town charges
    The trash people will take anything you set out except chemicals. Only thing is, I dont always feel comfortable throwing monitors in the trash for them, as I dont know if they will be recycled or put into the ground.

  7. #67
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  8. #68
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Thanks for the link. However, most places only allow residents to do a drop off (free or paid), and most only do it periodically.

    I need a place that will accept them whenever I need to dispose of them.

  9. #69
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    GEO If your offering COD's I hope you also have plenty of liability insurance for data theft if you plan to format and resell the drives. General liabilty usualy doesnt cover this either. Might want to check with your insurance company. Also make yourself st6and out by not charging for pickups. People in the business talk and if you het it good with the president of this company and you dont charge you can bet your last dollar he will be talking with his other business friends about your service and will definitly pay off in the end. SPecialy since your so close to them. If your worried about it cutting into your marketing time then you need a aprt time employee. Just some thaughts. Are you sure you know what your getting yourself into?

  10. #70
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    GEO If your offering COD's I hope you also have plenty of liability insurance for data theft if you plan to format and resell the drives. General liabilty usualy doesnt cover this either. Might want to check with your insurance company. Also make yourself st6and out by not charging for pickups. People in the business talk and if you het it good with the president of this company and you dont charge you can bet your last dollar he will be talking with his other business friends about your service and will definitly pay off in the end. SPecialy since your so close to them. If your worried about it cutting into your marketing time then you need a aprt time employee. Just some thaughts. Are you sure you know what your getting yourself into?

    I been thinking about that all day long. While the hard drives would most likely be of real good resell value, most likely, I wouldn't resell them. I most likely would just fully break them down and sell them as scrap, just to be sure on things.

    Also, I am not planning on charging them anything, except for monitors and that just depends on how many they get at a time.

    She was informing me, that their inventory depends on their clients refresh schedules, so one time it would be 20 pcs, next time 40, next time 200, next time 10, etc.

  11. #71
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    THen I would take it all and say thank you Might even bring them a snack everytime I went for a pickup as well. Or as my one scrapper contact I have likes a nice bottle of Patron.

  12. #72
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    THen I would take it all and say thank you Might even bring them a snack everytime I went for a pickup as well. Or as my one scrapper contact I have likes a nice bottle of Patron.

    I just sent her the proposal and covered all of her points she was curious about, and then a few more, as a good gesture. Hopefully this will turn out to be a "whale" for me. They seem like a decent, big sized company, so if I do land it, it will be a good one to keep me busy! If not, then I will walk away satisfied knowing that I at least grabbed their attention, and with luck, as you mentioned, they will talk about VIP to their friends and colleagues.

  13. #73
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Not sure if I am missing something or not. I finally got one of the 2 PCs that I know that works, to accept my keyboard and mouse.

    So, I am trying to format the hard drive on it, so I can maybe sell it. I already have someone interested in a PC for his kids.

    Anyways, I tried doing the suggestion of just "right clicking and click format" on the C drive. No good.

    Now I am trying to use Disk Wipe and it is telling me that it cannot lock it and it cannot format it. WTH!

    Is there a way to lock? I mean these hard drives to not come out easily or not easy for me.
    Last edited by GeorgeB; 08-24-2012 at 12:41 PM.

  14. #74
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    While the hard drives would most likely be of real good resell value, most likely, I wouldn't resell them. I most likely would just fully break them down and sell them as scrap, just to be sure on things.
    If you think the HD's have value then try to work up a deal for horsetrading with someone (computer store-repairman) for their scrap parts/computers.
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  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    I have noticed a few places around here that charge $15/monitor.

    To me, I know what I have to pay for 1,400 lbs of monitors and tvs, which is only like $50 or less dollars. My landfill does recycling, so everything we drop off, gets sorted, and they actually double dip in the funds, but that is on them.

    I am thinking of charging probably $5 a monitor. It would take a lot to generate 1,400lbs of them, and even at $5 a month, the first 10 will pay for the disposal, and then the rest is profit.
    You would be surprised at how fast you can generate that weight in monitors. They easily weigh between 30-70 pounds each.
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  16. #76
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    If you think the HD's have value then try to work up a deal for horsetrading with someone (computer store-repairman) for their scrap parts/computers.
    I didnt mean that I wouldnt resell some of them. Just depends on where they come from.

  17. #77
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by drozenski View Post
    You would be surprised at how fast you can generate that weight in monitors. They easily weigh between 30-70 pounds each.
    Well the biggest load I ever took in was 1,400lb and it cost me I think like $42. However, it was a mixture of tv's and monitors too.

  18. #78
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    Not sure if I am missing something or not. I finally got one of the 2 PCs that I know that works, to accept my keyboard and mouse.

    So, I am trying to format the hard drive on it, so I can maybe sell it. I already have someone interested in a PC for his kids.

    Anyways, I tried doing the suggestion of just "right clicking and click format" on the C drive. No good.

    Now I am trying to use Disk Wipe and it is telling me that it cannot lock it and it cannot format it. WTH!

    Is there a way to lock? I mean these hard drives to not come out easily or not easy for me.
    Luckily, I managed to get the hard drive out. But there should be an easier way of formatting without having to remove the hard drive physically.

  19. #79
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    George, it seems your learning curve has turned into a long and winding road.
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  21. #80
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    George, it seems your learning curve has turned into a long and winding road.
    Hard to say right now. I just know the trick that someone suggested before, isnt working at all, so I am working around ways of destroying the hard drives on these 2 machines. The second hard drive is wiping as I am typing.

    Then I am going to re install windows on them, and put them up on CL and see if anyone bites. If not, then I will just scrap them.

    Probably a pure waste of time but just looking to make everything count.

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