is the pins gold on a chip that fits in to a 462 socket new to chips and boards picked up 4 complete towers today all for 10 bucks
is the pins gold on a chip that fits in to a 462 socket new to chips and boards picked up 4 complete towers today all for 10 bucks
i'd say about 95%(or more) of pins inside a computer are gold plated, higher% than that for socketed CPU pins
thanks bear just trying to figure the different chips out little cornfusing but it will get easier
Maybe this will help some, don't know how dead accurate it is but will be a reference;
Gold Content List in CPU Chips
P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.
But there are other precious metals in there besides the gold right? That's what I thought... I make stuff up though...
Thanks for the link to the website for e-waste recycling values Mech. It's an old thread but hopefully it will be bumped so beginners and novices like me can better understand the things we get.
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