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Best day ever (with photos)

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  1. #1
    Scrapcrazy started this thread.
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    Best day ever (with photos)

    Like i mentioned in an earlier post today, i had probably one of the best days in the 5 months doing E scrap today. Maybe not in quantity but definitely in quality. Not so much in resell quality but scrap quallity i guess you could call it. Todays load definitely had the wow factor. Atleast for a newbie like me. I have a regular customer who i clean out twice a month. Each time is usually the same, 50 Towers, some monitors, a few lap tops and a couple servers if im lucky. Well quantity wise it was about the same. But i had quite a few more servers than regular and they looked older. I got excited the minute i saw them. Alot of stuff was already packed in a large cubic yard box, i knew there was alot in it but i was anxious to see what was hiding on the bottom. I couldnt wait to get it home. On my way home i called my primary computer guy. He agreed to pay premium pricing if i called him first before calling any of my other computer guys. Little did he know, i was going to use him to help me off load. Nothing like a little free labor. He was at my house even before i was.

    A picture before i off loaded. A handfull of servers, and the box is loaded all the way to the top with towers. I also have laptops and monitors in the cab of my truck.

    what i pulled out of the box and the cab. 36 of these small type dell desk top computers, 9 lg towers and 6 more servers totaling 13. 12 lap tops and 10 LCD monitors.

    After getting things situated i started to take a closer look at things. My buyer wasnt as stoked as me cause he didnt really find any towers he wanted to buy but did buy all of my lcd monitors and all but one laptops for $15 each. So now i had over $300 dollars in my pocket not even that got me excited. What really made it a great day is what i show you next.
    read the bottom label. Are my eyes reading right? Pentium Pro Processor? i have 4 of these units. All have the same label.

    This cant be possible. I need to bust one of these open immediately.

    Not too much going on in there, even the heat sink is small. Id think it be a huge heat sink and fan to protect a pentium pro.
    i remove the heat sink......

    there she is..... the infamous Pentium pro processor. It blows my mind a came across 4 of these today. Thats one more than ive found in all 5 months of scrapping. In 2 of the other servers i found ceramic pentium processors with gold caps. Two per server.
    Not only did i make $300 the minute i got this stuff off loaed, i also found what i always day dream of finding. I have zero dollars invested in todays load except what i spent on gas. Today was a good day. I only pray i get more like it.
    Last edited by Scrapcrazy; 08-12-2012 at 01:40 AM.
    Sweat is the cologne of success!

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  3. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    That's a great score, it don't happen like that everyday, at least around here.

    Nice quality pic's also,,,
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  5. #3
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    considerin laptops are an easy sell on ebay for $150+, you got a hel of a deal ; )

    (i thought you were a computer guy? )
    Last edited by Bear; 08-12-2012 at 03:09 AM.

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  7. #4
    Jeremiah's Avatar
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    What a great score for you! Awesome! I would send that guy a gift card for giving you such a great load.

  8. #5
    Scrapcrazy started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    That's a great score, it don't happen like that everyday, at least around here.

    Nice quality pic's also,,,
    Thanks Mech. I'd agree it doesn't happen often. It would be hard to match it. Hard to imagine my best day came early after only 5 months. Technology is awesome.. All my pics are from my Blackberry.

  9. #6
    Scrapcrazy started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    considerin laptops are an easy sell on ebay for $150+, you got a hel of a deal ; )

    (i thought you were a computer guy? )
    Me a computer guy? Yah right, that makes me laugh. I can use one and break one down in 2 minutes but really know nothing about them. I've still haven't posted anything on eBay for the simple fact Im not technical enough to even know what I was
    posting. Thankfully through networking ivemet computer guys who refurbish units and they come around and buy up my stuff and also educate me evrytime they're here on things they think could do well on eBay. One of them just gave me some software that will test my RAM to see if it works in order to sell it. Having these guys available to me is huge. They are like my live version of the forum. Much thanks to both.

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  11. #7
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Great score man! Definitely one hell of a pay day!

    Wish you were closer..I would buy some of the stuff off you myself, for personal reasons.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

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  13. #8
    Scrapcrazy started this thread.
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    Just an update. Sold 6 Dell 480's? For $22/ea and 5 power supply for $5 ea. It's been one day and already I've made over $400. I remember 3 months ago, I would have already broken down all of these units by now. Thanks to Bear and others on this forum, they convinced me to try to resell a lot of it.

  14. #9
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    Great haul! So does this guy just collect for you or are you buying it?

  15. #10
    Scrapcrazy started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by LifecyclesLLC View Post
    Great haul! So does this guy just collect for you or are you buying it?
    "this guy" is a large company changing out all of their computers. Every 2 weeks I pick up whatever they have switched out. It's a large company with over 300 customer service people alone. There's suppose to be over 500 computers to be swapped out in a 3 month period. I also have a similar contract with a large hospital and University switching out all of their computers as well. I obtained the contract through their purchasing dept and asset managers. I simply provided them my electronics recycling permit issued by my local Dept of Environmental Qualiy ($450 a year) and issue them a certificate of destruction after each load. Another certificate of destruction is also provided by the company I bring the hard drives to. I do not pay anything. I've had a few similar contracts where I was paid by the pound and even charged for transportation.

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