I'm stacking mine and if the stack get's too high i'll reduce it by breaking some down but still keep everything except the casing.
I think a lot of pc components are under estimated because at present everything is available in heaps.
won't be too long that pc's will be so small that we won't see electronics like this, we only know what we know,
we don't know what's ahead and what people will be able to do with electronic components 10 years down the track.
it's a shame a lot of stuff is going to waste dumps, but also what is being reclaimed and scrapped, it's not being re-used much,
it's being melted down completely.
one day they won't make these things or they'll be very expensive, those that have them will be building space ships.
everything I scrap is from chance finds but if I had the chance to buy laptops, I think the price of a big mac is fair,
i'd rather have a laptop then a fatbottom.