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Pictures of my most recent BIG ONE

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  1. #1
    machinistace802 started this thread.
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    Pictures of my most recent BIG ONE

    1ST load

    2ND load

    Cool Heat sink

    Do you guys like how i don't have 1 crt!

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  3. #2
    Jeremiah's Avatar
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    Way to go man! Not much on the resell side of these Dell's (i don't think), although there are some parts I would save and list them on Ebay. I think these models are the ones that have no fan over the heat sink and thus come with a plastic vint (usually greeen). I have sold a couple of these vents on ebay. You may also want to check into reselling the processors as they are not worth much in scrap value. When your done scrapping, keep all the cases and contact your local computer shops to see if they want some for free. It's a good way to shake hands.
    Last edited by Jeremiah; 08-23-2012 at 07:35 PM.

  4. #3
    machinistace802 started this thread.
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    i'm not gonna try and sell them. Thats why i have them, the guy had these listed and wasnt selling even one of them.
    i didnt think people replaced processors, learn something everyday

  5. #4
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    Did you get lot for free or have to pay? If had to pay can you tell us how much for our knowledge please. Thanks Jim

  6. #5
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    What model Dell are they? I sell GX260 and GX270 every day successfully online for $50/60 each (free shipping). Check it out before you break it all down. The best part from these to sell is the power supply as they fetch on average $20/ea.

  7. #6
    machinistace802 started this thread.
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    I always pay for computers, my guy isn't going to get these for me like he has been if i wasn't paying. I figure i would have only got the 1st load if i wasn't paying. My guy went out of his normal way to find these, and trust me. Now he's getting even more!

    i pay what the forums had pretty much agreed on. $four dollar w/o hard d.


  8. #7
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    If you want to seperate the Cu from the Al in the heat sinks I suggest you cut the Cu tubes first. After cutting the the tubes you can safely heat the heat sink enough to melt the solder to seperate the large Cu square on the bottom. If you don't cut the Cu tubes first they will explode when heated. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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    machinistace802 started this thread.
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    miked, thanks for the tip, i will try it when i get around to it

  11. #9
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    I am surprised he could not sell them. I voted on a couple of auctions that looked like that and they seemed to go for $10-20 a piece. I figured they have to be to resellers.
    Good haul have fun tearing them all down.

  12. #10
    Jonniebrass's Avatar
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    I got a load of dells today 39 of them for 175.00. Gx 260 and 270. Complete with wiped hard drives. Also picked up 3 laptops for free and sold them on the way home for $60.00 was a good day for me too.

  13. #11
    ScrapperNJ26's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    If you want to seperate the Cu from the Al in the heat sinks I suggest you cut the Cu tubes first. After cutting the the tubes you can safely heat the heat sink enough to melt the solder to seperate the large Cu square on the bottom. If you don't cut the Cu tubes first they will explode when heated. Mike.

    They last few heat sinks I have had like this, cut the tubes, and they tap out quite easy. Figure save torch fuel that way.

  14. #12
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    that's a nice load man.

  15. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonniebrass View Post
    I got a load of dells today 39 of them for 175.00. Gx 260 and 270. Complete with wiped hard drives. Also picked up 3 laptops for free and sold them on the way home for $60.00 was a good day for me too.
    I also got a load of those same Dells about a month or two ago. Paid $100 for 22 of them, complete with hard drives. Sold the hard drives (mostly 40-80 gig) for $50 and scrapped the rest.

  16. #14
    Hypoman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by machinistace802 View Post
    I always pay for computers, my guy isn't going to get these for me like he has been if i wasn't paying. I figure i would have only got the 1st load if i wasn't paying. My guy went out of his normal way to find these, and trust me. Now he's getting even more!

    i pay what the forums had pretty much agreed on. $four dollar w/o hard d.


    I dont know how you guys say you wont get computers for free. I NEVER pay for them and I cant keep up with the stuff I'm getting in! Must just be a regional thing. I've recently just picked up a hospital on an ongoing basis...... TWO TRUCKLOADS THIS WEEK! all free! It's nuts! Great score though, I love getting em in en masse!

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  18. #15
    machinistace802 started this thread.
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    Yes I do get free computers but not in the volume I want. The mother loads I pay. I have no problem paying. And how many
    Crts do u get in your "free loads"

  19. #16
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    uhhhhh....... I dont take them at all right now, no one seems to care about it.

  20. #17
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hypoman View Post
    I dont know how you guys say you wont get computers for free. I NEVER pay for them and I cant keep up with the stuff I'm getting in! Must just be a regional thing. I've recently just picked up a hospital on an ongoing basis...... TWO TRUCKLOADS THIS WEEK! all free! It's nuts! Great score though, I love getting em in en masse!

    A man has free choice to the extent that he is rational.
    Thomas Aquinas
    Hell for me, it is either free, or paying wanting to pay me, and when I give them either a very low cost (to cover fuel expense) or 100% FREE, they jump all over it.

    There is nationally recognized companies here that charge out the butt for everything, and that is what companies do not want to keep doing. They either want to dispose of for FREE or at little to nothing cost.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  22. #18
    machinistace802 started this thread.
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    Well guys it seems like people really want to point out that you can pick up e-waste for free, and you can... But hear me out!!

    Each possible connection you make with new clients makes each deal Different. Yes sometimes people are willing to give them away.
    but in this case the guy was trying to sell them, and wasn't, so like i was saying earlier, i would have only got the 1st load because he was still trying to sell most of them. so when i say that i wouldnt have gotten the 2nd load without paying i was refering to that he would of been still trying to sell them. so when i cam alone offering him cash he then found more ewaste for me while i was working at my other job.

    Im trying to tell people, yea getting free e-waste is awesome, but now this guy is hungry to pick up more computers for me.
    Hope people can understand what i'm saying when i say i pay for e-waste!
    thanks -ryan

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  24. #19
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    I'm with ya, machinistace... I pay for my Ewaste most of the time here in Vermont. For us it's a little trickier to talk our way into large amounts of free stuff, because there's quite a few places people can drop their stuff off for free. Even CRT tubes, after being stripped. I have a place about 15 minutes away I don't think they particularly LIKE when I bring in a dozen monitor carcasses, but I also donate quite a few working monitors and other peripherals (keyboard, mice, occasional cheapo printer, etc.) I don't have to, but I hate having boxes of that stuff lying around anyways, and I figure if someone can actually get some use out of it, that's worth more to me than the $.25 I'll make stripping down a keyboard.
    Anyways, I've found that when I pay for towers/boards/etc, more often than not my client starts throwing in anything they can think of that they don't want anymore, for free. For example, just the other day I picked up 18 desktops, all pentium 1 except a stray pentium 2 slot, they were as complete as complete gets (just about every pci and RAM slot was filled in every unit), so my original price was $100 for the lot. I show up, and there's 10 monitors as well as several nice printers, scanners, satellite receivers, routers, wires, and so on. Long story short, they wanted everything GONE, so we made a deal... I take EVERYTHING, and the price is dropped to $30
    So, I guess what I'm saying is... paying can indeed pay off And as machinist said, it seems FAR more likely that you will make a future connection and a solid source of word of mouth, as opposed to taking it for free. It makes the client feel more like YOU are helping THEM out, instead of the other way around.
    As a PS, this has led to a potential mini-whale not too far from me, with 80 total desktops, mostly 286 up to pentium 1, with maybe 20 p2 and newer. And no monitors at all! Keeping my fingers crossed

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  26. #20
    machinistace802 started this thread.
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    loginR thanks...your pretty much on page with me. Thanks for adding to the point!! Ill finding out where your crts go BTW.

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