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Local pc repair buyers for escrap

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  1. #1
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Local pc repair buyers for escrap

    Title might be a little confusing, so I apologize for that.

    Anyway, I have seen several people on here talk about forming relationships with guys local to them, that are eager to buy up complete pc's and event pc components for more than scrap.

    So my question is, how did you come by them? What section of craigslist did you post in, and how did you work your ad to get them to email/call you?

    With the area I am in, the potential for those kinds of people is really good. So, I figured when I get really good product in, shoot them an email/txt/call and flip it right away, instead of trying to sell on ebay, or scrapping them. Of course, depends on what I get, and what I know I can get for it.

    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  3. #2
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    George this is the info you find in the scrap room and many of us will be reluctant to share these tips on the open forum. I would recommend a subscription.
    We pay you to recycle!

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  5. #3
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Well I had a post saying folks could PM him but turns can't! So I removed said post. Heh.

    Anyhow...Good luck to ya G. Big market up that way sure you'll get it figured out.

    Sirscrapalot - Needs a beer.

  6. #4
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Well I had a post saying folks could PM him but turns can't! So I removed said post. Heh.

    Anyhow...Good luck to ya G. Big market up that way sure you'll get it figured out.

    Sirscrapalot - Needs a beer.
    Thanks for the though sirscrapalot,

    A miss understanding a few months back, causes PM privileges and Visit Messages to go bye bye, which is why I just tell everyone to email me directly if they need something.

    Asking never hurt and I know people have talked about it before on the open forum, but its cool. I will just put some ads on craigslist, and go from there. Not worried over it.

  7. #5
    Jeremiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    Thanks for the though sirscrapalot,

    A miss understanding a few months back, causes PM privileges and Visit Messages to go bye bye, which is why I just tell everyone to email me directly if they need something.

    Asking never hurt and I know people have talked about it before on the open forum, but its cool. I will just put some ads on craigslist, and go from there. Not worried over it.
    George, I thoroughly believe you have to ask yourself what can I do for them, what can you bring to the table? People are too quick to try and close a deal via email or phone call. "Hi, can I have all your stuff for free?". In the game of numbers you will most likely get some individuals to give you stuff with this approach, but it's not a professional strategy to grab the big players. More than likely, these individuals get requests like this every week. A better strategy, is to shoot the manager an email or give him a phone call and talk about some ideas to give them more business. Maybe you get lots of laptops and are thinking about the resale side of things and wonder if there is potential to sell them in their stores and split the profits. Ask them what are parts they are constantly ordering and you can set it aside for them, or have them check with you for parts, etc. Give it some thought, shake some hands with them and do them some favors. It won't be long before you guys are discussing scrap and how you guys could make money on that end as well.

    I've landed a few banks, and IT guys this way and I do this stuff part-time (really part-time for most of the year as I do landscaping and teaching as well). Others may have some strategies that are better (as craigslist adds and other marketing is great) but I truly think you need to give first before you can expect to receive.

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  9. #6
    Jonniebrass's Avatar
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    I hooked up with a repair guy from cl by first buying his scrap and now he gives me all his leftovers and actually buys stuff from me. Now we give each other leads. He considers it a service that I take his junk away.

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  11. #7
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremiah View Post
    George, I thoroughly believe you have to ask yourself what can I do for them, what can you bring to the table? "Hi, can I have all your stuff for free?" In the game of numbers you will most likely get some individuals to give you stuff with this approach, these individuals get requests like this every week.
    George, if you are willing to pay to play, you will increase your chances of getting computers with the good chit.

    I will have a thread coming soon with details of what had multiple 23 pound copper heat sinks was in, once all the numbers and weights are compiled.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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  13. #8
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    George, if you are willing to pay to play, you will increase your chances of getting computers with the good chit.

    I will have a thread coming soon with details of what had multiple 23 pound copper heat sinks was in, once all the numbers and weights are compiled.
    I am trying to bash people who do for for scrap pcs, or say that they are stupid, or anything else for that matter. It simply works for them, and as an old saying goes, why mess up something that works?

    Anyway, I was just saying that around here, you have some big well known companies that recycle electronics for companies, but they charge out rageous fees...I know as a buddy of mine works for one, and I have helped him a few times with his pickups. They are very through, but costly too.

    Around here, I am finding more and more companies want the cheapest deal possible, but that can provide quality service. If they don't bring up price, well, neither will I.

    If they do, I am not going to pay up front and get burned, especially when I have a family to look after. I will make them a % offer. That I get the product, break it down, sale it how I want (buyers from here, ebay, or local) and they get a good percent in return. I have had a few who like that deal, and are working towards a decent load to contact me on.

    But yeah, if a good deal really came a long, and I knew exactly what I was getting, and what profit I was looking at, I would ask them where do we sign at.

  14. #9
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    George its all about being in the right time at the right place. But its the same things are needed by the computer repair people. Desktops are out and laptops are HOT!! even 3rd world countries dont want p4s anymore :-p
    Born to think, destine to succeed.

  15. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    I am trying to bash people who do for for scrap pcs, or say that they are stupid, or anything else for that matter. It simply works for them, and as an old saying goes, why mess up something that works?

    Anyway, I was just saying that around here, you have some big well known companies that recycle electronics for companies, but they charge out rageous fees...I know as a buddy of mine works for one, and I have helped him a few times with his pickups. They are very through, but costly too.

    Around here, I am finding more and more companies want the cheapest deal possible, but that can provide quality service. If they don't bring up price, well, neither will I.

    If they do, I am not going to pay up front and get burned, especially when I have a family to look after. I will make them a % offer. That I get the product, break it down, sale it how I want (buyers from here, ebay, or local) and they get a good percent in return. I have had a few who like that deal, and are working towards a decent load to contact me on.

    But yeah, if a good deal really came a long, and I knew exactly what I was getting, and what profit I was looking at, I would ask them where do we sign at.
    George their are reasons for those fee's.

    Overhead, travel expenses, disposal expenses, cert fee's

    Before you go diving into this make sure you contact your local EPA. Getting the certs are usually not to bad however getting caught with out them are $1000's in fines.

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