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Look Inside before you pay

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  1. #1
    ron22 started this thread.
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    Look Inside before you pay

    I went to my first pick that I was going to pay for the computers. 1 complete XT system (OLD) and 3 towers. So only the 1 monitor
    I was told no harddrives on newer systems. RAM and CPU still there. One was a Windows 98 machine so I am thinking maybe 486 if I am lucky. Plus told the XT system works.
    So I pay and load up the car. When I get them home I open the 98 machine to see what CPU. Hmmm no RAM and stupid Celeron – green fibre. Look in other one Celeron – green fibre and no RAM. Look in last one slot processor and no RAM. OK not going good.
    Hook up the XT system and turn it on. It goes through the memory check then trys to read off the floppy. Since I do not have a boot disk cant test any farther. But it is not trying to boot off harddrive. Not a good sign.
    So moral of the story LOOK inside before you pay! Yea RAM is not a deal breaker but I was told it was still there. I would have paid less if I knew.
    With any luck I will still do OK with the XT on the Vintage Computer forum.

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  3. #2
    Jonniebrass's Avatar
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    I have learned to look inside and have lowered the price on the spot. Been disappointed a couple of times. On the other hand I have pulled nice ceramics that I did not expect.

  4. #3
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    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I had one pickup that someone had pulled the processors on a couple and replaced the heatsinks.
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  6. #5
    ron22 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    I had one pickup that someone had pulled the processors on a couple and replaced the heatsinks.
    Wow that is a good one.
    I do not plan on taking off the heatsink but I will take off the cover and look inside.

  7. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ron22 View Post
    Wow that is a good one.
    I do not plan on taking off the heatsink but I will take off the cover and look inside.
    I don't blame you but if you have a large quantity it's hard looking at each one. We had one big load that we ended up glancing at the front for any openings (missing drives) and a glance at the back for any openings. (plug-in cards or power supply missing). That was the load that took 2 1/2 truckloads, you don't want to be standing around opening and closing that many computers.

  8. #7
    BigRyan's Avatar
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    Yes, probably the most valuable lesson an e-scrapper can learn! But it's completely understandable when you have a very large load in front of you.

    Having said that, I'm not the kind of person that sends back an order of food because it's screwed up (nothing against those that do..I'm just not), but if there is even a remote chance I can peek inside towers before making an offer, you bet your ass I'm all up in it!

    An exception to the large load rule (well, semi-large). I had nearly 100 towers on several pallets one time...just waiting for me to take them home. They were good-looking systems, but I had a gut feeling telling me to inspect...and inspect I did. I opened every single one of them! Thankfully I did, because 75% of them were all but stripped. Now, in my earlier e-scrapping days, I would have taken them and had a real bad night. I told the guy I couldn't make an offer without taking a peek. He actually helped me, lol.

    Anyway, inspection, when possible, is key.

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  10. #8
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    So why u bidding up public surplus auctions right away rOn..much to to ya..learn as ya learn bro

  11. #9
    Hypoman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigRyan View Post
    Yes, probably the most valuable lesson an e-scrapper can learn! But it's completely understandable when you have a very large load in front of you.

    Having said that, I'm not the kind of person that sends back an order of food because it's screwed up (nothing against those that do..I'm just not), but if there is even a remote chance I can peek inside towers before making an offer, you bet your ass I'm all up in it!

    An exception to the large load rule (well, semi-large). I had nearly 100 towers on several pallets one time...just waiting for me to take them home. They were good-looking systems, but I had a gut feeling telling me to inspect...and inspect I did. I opened every single one of them! Thankfully I did, because 75% of them were all but stripped. Now, in my earlier e-scrapping days, I would have taken them and had a real bad night. I told the guy I couldn't make an offer without taking a peek. He actually helped me, lol.

    Anyway, inspection, when possible, is key.
    So Ryan, if you dont mind me asking, what kind of offer did you give the guy?

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  12. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hypoman View Post
    So Ryan, if you dont mind me asking, what kind of offer did you give the guy?
    Don't mind at all! I only made an offer on roughly 25 towers (the ones that were complete or near complete) at my normal rate of $4/tower. I'm still thankful I didn't take them all out of sheer excitement (because seeing several pallets full of towers is quite exciting!).

    I offered a lot less for the stripped ones, but he didn't bite. No worries...still came out with something and he was very understanding.

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  14. #11
    ron22 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrappy888 View Post
    So why u bidding up public surplus auctions right away rOn..much to to ya..learn as ya learn bro
    Yes I have alot to learn, that is why I am here. I have bid on auction but not won any becuase I bid low. You are probaly the one bidding me bacue you know more

  15. #12
    Jeremiah's Avatar
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    One of the best stratigies is to simply ask if anything has been taken out of the computer before going to see it or making them an offer. You can even tell them via email that you inspect all computer before purchase, even if you only give them a cursory glance, just to see what the seller will tell you. I've had a couple customers tell me, "well, I did take out a stick of ram". It not fool proof, and doesn't protect from a scammer, but it's a quick strategy that could save you some money.

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