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Delivery results

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  1. #1
    Scrapcrazy started this thread.
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    Delivery results

    Delivered a load to my buyer two days ago. My wife's happy the garage is finally empty again (not for long). Got to spend an almost two hours with my buyer going over stuff I should have probably tried to sell on eBay. This is the main reason I choose to go to this buyer, simply cause I can drive to him even though it's 4 hours away. Every time I'm there I learn something new. He's a good ole boy from Texas and has great customer service.
    It was 72 days between deliveries and here are the results of those 2.5 months of work.
    Mother boards 345lbs @ 3.20 1104
    pci cards/server boards 290lbs @ 3.70 1073
    Memory 24 lbs @ 11.75 282
    Processors 3 diff rates. 187
    Power supply 1134 lbs @ .30. 340.20
    Cd drives 654 lbs @ .17 111.18
    Fans 148 lbs @ .13 19.24
    Lithium ion batteries 388 lbs @ 1.60 620.80
    Lead acid batteries 1920 lbs @ .19 364.80
    Grand total $4102.22

    I also need to add in the $677 I made from my local yard for heat sinks and empty towers. Plus in that 2.5 months I sold over $800 in parts.
    Not bad for part time work in just 2.5 months.

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  3. #2
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    sounds excellent, you must still have some wire which will bring some money aswell.
    how many pc's is that from?

  4. #3
    Scrapcrazy started this thread.
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    No wire, i don't cut it from my power supply and whatever misc wires i do have i started giving to a scrapper. I believe the total number of computers was 412 and 74 servers.

  5. #4
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    what did you do with the plastic?

  6. #5
    Scrapcrazy started this thread.
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    The plastic from the towers and heatsink/fan covers went to a recycler. I probably leave about a good 1/4 still on and just throw it in and bury it in the towers. The plastic is probably the biggest pain to get rid of. With little reward.

  7. #6
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    How about the gold connectors from the power cords and the ribbon cable?

  8. #7
    BigRyan's Avatar
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    Very nice man!

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  10. #8
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyscraper View Post
    How about the gold connectors from the power cords and the ribbon cable?
    There is no gold on the power cords, those are brass.
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  11. #9
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    ahh.. ok, I see.
    your buying pc's and scrapping them, oh that's different, lol.
    I don't really consider someone buying to scrap a scrapper, it's a different ball game really.
    can buy and sell anything in this world.
    there's always two sides to every story so I guess there's also a cost factor to buy them?
    so looks like it averages out to $8 a piece, how much did you pay per pc?

  12. #10
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    Scrapperben, you don't consider someone who pays for their scrap a real scrapper? What do you consider a real scrapper? My goal next year is a million pounds across the scales and that ain't gonna happen driving alleys.

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  14. #11
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    I just paid for scrap for the first time this past Tuesday. $1700 paid out(including flatbed rental expense). After breaking it down I took it in in three seperate loads to the yard and got a a grand total of $4342. I came home on Friday with my head held high and told my wife that I am now a "real" scrapper.

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  16. #12
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    it's called wheeling & dealing, not scrapping.
    can do that with anything, buy a car, fix it, sell it, make profit.
    buy a pc, sell parts, make profit.

    I guess my idea of scrapping is more hard core, scrapping to me is the whole kit & caboodle,
    find it, take it, scrap it, sell it. that's scoring to me, getting it for free.

  17. #13
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    BTW, I was sh***ng my pants nervous about putting that money out there. I would like to thank all of you for the info I've gained from this forum for allowing me to do that deal.

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  19. #14
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    Scrapperben, how many tons a month of scrap do you find and run across the scale?

  20. #15
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    So by that definition Sben, Scrap yards aren't really scrap yards then?...Since they buy scrap?
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  21. #16
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I have to say whenn i started scrappin i got all my product out of dumpsters and the trash....sorry to say thats not enough to make it.u must do whatever it takes to flip the money that you have made

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  23. #17
    Scrapcrazy started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapperben View Post
    ahh.. ok, I see.
    your buying pc's and scrapping them, oh that's different, lol.
    I don't really consider someone buying to scrap a scrapper, it's a different ball game really.
    can buy and sell anything in this world.
    there's always two sides to every story so I guess there's also a cost factor to buy them?
    so looks like it averages out to $8 a piece, how much did you pay per pc?
    I never said I bought any of my computers. Not to say I wouldn't if I couldn't keep my constant in flow. Doing the math I could still turn profits buying them for 4 to 5 bucks each but that would definitely cut into my profits. Just cause someone buys scrap doesn't mean they can't be called a scrapper. What are they buying? Scrap!What are they selling? Scrap! Sure sounds like a scrapper to me. Just a scrapper with deeper pockets who has doubled his possibilities for scrap. Who would you give your scrap to, someone willing to pay your for it or someone wanting it for free? My thoughts exactly. Sometimes if the person who owns the scrap wants to be paid for it, you have no other choice but to turn away or hand over the cash. Smetimes this turns your $100 load into a $75 load but guess who's up $75. That's right, the guy willing to trade a quarter for a dollar. I'll be that guy all day long.

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  25. #18
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    Scrappers scrap. Via any method. It doesn't matter if you pay for it, earn it, or find it. I've had to pony up little money for my scrap, Ben. However, I wouldn't think twice about buying something if it was going to make me money. It's good business sense and plain old common sense.
    Last edited by Russell; 08-26-2012 at 08:10 PM.

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  27. #19
    Scrapcrazy started this thread.
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    I don't know why I feel like I still want to add on to my last statement but I do. Maybe cause I'm proud of what I do and I'm good at it. Like I said, I haven't had to buy any computers, except for the few I've found at garage sales. I run a legitimate side business with state permits and actual contracts with customers and I'm proud to call myself a scrapper. Do I have an old banged up pickup full of old appliances and rusty metal? No, I actually have a a new pick up and a BMW. I'm not saying scrapping has provided me these luxuries, my descent day job, my wife working, good luck at the casinos and my extra side business has. As for my side business, I have multiple contracts with large hospitals and a state university that provides me plenty of free stuff. So much I sub out all my other stuff besides computers and servers to a completely other recycling company. Shoot, not only do I not pay for my stuff I have customers I bill out $250 to $450 for transportation and an additional SIF (security, insurance and fuel) surcharge. I'm permitted, licensed, bonded and insured and still call myself a scrapper. And if anyone thinks differently, I'd love for you to explain how I'm not. I hunt for my scrap just like you, I break it down just like you, I sell it just like you and probably at around the same price. If it wasn't for me being a fat guy I'd say I probably don't sweat as much as you because you probably work a little harder finding the density of mateiral that I do but like the saying goes, "work smarter, not harder".

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  29. #20
    Scrapcrazy started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapperben View Post
    it's called wheeling & dealing, not scrapping.
    can do that with anything, buy a car, fix it, sell it, make profit.
    buy a pc, sell parts, make profit.

    I guess my idea of scrapping is more hard core, scrapping to me is the whole kit & caboodle,
    find it, take it, scrap it, sell it. that's scoring to me, getting it for free.
    Wheeling and dealing is what any good scrapper does best. I guess when you don't throw money into the mix it's just called wheeling.

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