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socket 775 and 771 cpus

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  1. #1
    jghilino started this thread.
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    socket 775 and 771 cpus

    I have alot of 775 and 771 cpus. Have 8 pounds of 775 cpus mostly celeron d and p4. 16 pounds of 771 cpus mostly dual core xeon. Looking for ideas on how to move this material. If interested pm me.

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  3. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jghilino View Post
    I have alot of 775 and 771 cpus. Have 8 pounds of 775 cpus mostly celeron d and p4. 16 pounds of 771 cpus mostly dual core xeon. Looking for ideas on how to move this material. If interested pm me.
    Here's where you could look, check out the buyers and their prices.
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    jghilino started this thread.
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    Those are all scrap buyers and sellers. I am looking for someone that resells/reuses these. These cpus working typically sell for $5-$10 each. Most of the celeron d / p4 are good. The xeons 50% or better are working. Id hate to sell good useable cpus that are still considered upgrades as scrap. Ive swapped 1.6 ghz p4's and celerons out with 3ghz p4's and seen a huge difference in the machine.

    Details on the 775's:
    82 celeron d cpus most are over 3ghz
    71 pentium 4 most are over 3 ghz
    1 pentium d missing cap
    1 pentium duo core e6400 missing cap
    total of 155 cpus
    Last edited by jghilino; 09-05-2012 at 12:32 PM.

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  7. #4
    Craasher's Avatar
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    I dont think your going to find someone who would buy that in bulk. I refurbish a decent amount of machines and sometimes i do that also. If I have a machine with a bad motherboard I will strip it for parts and upgrade another machine then sell that machine. Then I scrap the parts I dont use. You would need someone with a lot of P4's which are getting harder and harder to sell. The celeron's I scrap those out of principle because I hate them.

    Basically finding someone who would pay you a couple bucks per processor in a bulk sale is a stretch. You might have better luck moving them in as singles on ebay or something or in lots of 5 or something.

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  9. #5
    jghilino started this thread.
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    The lot is on ebay, im asking less than $1 per cpu, the e6400 with missing cap could be repaired and resold for $30. Im willing to part the lot out. If somone just wants the damaged dual cores or p4's.

    SOCKET 775 PINLESS CPU LOT PENTIUM 4 CELERON D over 7 pounds scrap gold | eBay

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  11. #6
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    This is a scrap forum, why would you be asking a question like that and then come back with "those are all scrap buyers" That's what we do on this forum, help each other out with buying and selling scrap. The buyers on this forum have the best prices for scrap and they are honest, and it is a quick way to sell.

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  13. #7
    jghilino started this thread.
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    Just thought id try here, im having trouble selling them. Will keep lowering the price on ebay till they sell i guess.

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  15. #8
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Having them all thrown into a big tote like that can cause them to short out on each other, so my guess is not too many are good now. Plus the fact is that static electricity can short them also.

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  17. #9
    msearl3244's Avatar
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    I have a computer store as well as a e-waste business. I am aware that the Pentium 4 machines are still functional online and in general use. That said there is not much of a market for them anymore. Believe me, if they would sell I would put them on the shelf and sell them all day. I have several hundred now, and some are nice looking machines. The truth is I have a lot of duel core machines the are and will be for some time, capable of handling today's programs and higher demands for RAM memory. A lot of the older motherboards are not upgrade-able enough to carry higher amounts of Ram memory. Sites like Facebook totally depend on the RAM in your machine. While you can go on Facebook with lower RAM specs, the experience is not near as enjoyable, especially if you play games like Farmville.
    So in a store setting, no matter what I think of a machines capabilities, the consumer has the last word. If I sell them a machine that is only partially capable of doing what they want it to do then they will find another place to buy their computer hardware.
    We can preach to them all day about them not needing that much of a machine to do what they are doing.
    While Pentium 4's are still very capable machines, (especially the Hyper Threads), their days as a easy sell off the shelf are passing. The Pentium 4 badge alone is enough to scare some younger consumers. They have been hearing about upgrading their computer equipment for years and have been seeing the Pentium 4 sticker since 2000. They automatically associate the badge with old.
    That is just my opinion from a guy who's income relies on having machines on the shelf that not only work well, but will SELL in today's market to today's consumers.
    There may a million better places to live than Iowa, but none of them are home!

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  19. #10
    jghilino started this thread.
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    p4 775 is still adequate for the avg home user, i setup alot of machines for kids that use the 3ghz variety p4, they do online gaming with them

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  21. #11
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    haha! I had a couple bring me a computer one time that had been in several shops, all wanting megabucks to "fix" it, one said a motherboard, one said said processor, one said both. Along with the things they brought was a cpu that looked like it had been thrown into a load of short iron and tossed around awhile. Half the pins were bent sideways( one of these "repair shops" had actually sent it back in that condition!). I took the metal tip of a drafting pencil with a small opening for the lead, and started straightening pins, one by one, row by row, until they were relatively straight. Then I took the blade of my pocketknife and went across each row aligning them back to where they belonged, first one row, then another, first one direction, then the other. It wasn't perfect, I could tell from the slight resistance when I pushed it back into the socket, but it went in and I locked it down. It had been a good drive for the couple, and they had hardly reached home, when I called to ask if there was anything else they needed ; )

  22. #12
    jghilino started this thread.
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    Yes that is an issue with cpus with pins, the damage on these pinless cpus is different. The typical damage to these is the capacitors get knocked off when you ship these in bulk. The repair process is alot more challenging than bending a pin back. Some of the capacitors are smaller than the ball on a ball point pen. I could only imagine trying to solder one of those back on. As far as scrap cpus go you can expect to see alot more of these pinless cpus coming our way. As it looks like the industry is going pinless.

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  24. #13
    jghilino started this thread.
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    the 18 pounds of 771's just went for $250 on ebay, still have the p4 and celeron d if anyone is interested

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  26. #14
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    Guess I dont have a clear picture of the rules of the forum. I am a SR member and it was my understanding you could only post buy/sell in the scrap room. am I wrong ? I don't necessarily agree with that but I thought that was the rule.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  28. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jghilino View Post
    the 18 pounds of 771's just went for $250 on ebay, still have the p4 and celeron d if anyone is interested
    that's less than $14 a pound. Could you have done better selling to a buyer here ?

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    jghilino started this thread.
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    lol nope, after shipping and fees ill net over $10 per pound. The best offer ive seen here is $8.50 a pound.

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  31. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by jghilino View Post
    lol nope, after shipping and fees ill net over $10 per pound. The best offer ive seen here is $8.50 a pound.
    Well then you didnt look very hard. is paying $11 a pound for all green fiber cpu's. I just sent him a nice 40 pound box of mixed cpu's a week or so ago and did very well so try him out.

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  33. #18
    jghilino started this thread.
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    i also have 5 pounds of black fiber available right now also and about 35 pounds of green fiber with built in heatsink, 6 pounds green fiber no heatsink, 100 pounds of mixed high grade boards / motherboards who has best price on motherboards?

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  35. #19
    BarrenRealms007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jghilino View Post
    i also have 5 pounds of black fiber available right now also and about 35 pounds of green fiber with built in heatsink, 6 pounds green fiber no heatsink, 100 pounds of mixed high grade boards / motherboards who has best price on motherboards?
    You should really look into the buyers section as mentioned in the post above and make your own decision on who you want to sell to. Get to know who the buyers are and what they have to offer and make your own decision on what works best for you.
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