From a residential or individual stand point this is what I do. First of I only take in CRT Monitors an Televisions because I'm limited on room and haven't had much luck with CPUs as of yet.
I remove the ABS housing/ frame and throw them into a neat pile. *I remove all the screws from everything I take off and throw them into a bin so that I don't run over them or step on them. OCD perhaps. Moving on. From there I remove the yolk, the board/ steel housing, and set them into piles. After I've done this to all of them I have piles of the yolks, boards, ABS plastic, and tubes. *As far as the tubes go I have them set aside as I am currently searching for the best disposal price in my area. So far they want .35 cents per pound and these things are 20.8 pounds, 7 dollars per tube is no profit. There is always illegal dumping but that isn't my kind of thing.
From there I cut ever last wire and throw them into a pile, remove all the available copper and put it into a bin, remove all the metals (Aluminum, steel, tin.) and put them into separate piles. *The recycling agency I sale to separates the types of aluminum and steels to their satisfaction and then gives me a price. I normally throw away the boards from the CRTs because they don't hardly fetch anything and being limited on room I can collect a bulk as of yet.
From there I strip all the copper from the reels, rods, and rolls. I separate them accordingly as to whether they need to be rinsed or not. As far as the cords, wires go I have my wife helping me so I strip the wires. If I was alone I would just toss them into a general scrap bag as it can take a large amount of time to do by yourself.
If any of my copper is "Dirty" I take mineral spirits and soak them for about an hour. Then I wipe them off and if they need extra attention I will take a wire brush to them. The reason I am so tedious is because all of the scrap yards or recycles in my area are pricks, they would gladly pay you 1.90/lb for copper that just needs to be wiped with a rag, I understand they have their labor charges as well but it's just pain ignorant. I'm OCD anyways so I guess it helps, I'm normally paid no less than $3.00 for my copper because all of it shines and has no debris. I do however have a general scrap bin and I get paid much less for that, I think it's like a buck something.
In a 10 hour day I do about 20 monitors. That's all the work mentioned above with breaks, taking care of the children, and messing around. I normally wait until the end of the week to turn everything in. The small specs of plastic I collect and recycle for free in a neighborhood area, the plastic I sell the the recyclers for somewhere around .10 cents/lb. The only thing I have left to throw away are the boards and the tubes. I will generally just throw full bags of boards in the community dumpster, and the tubes as I said I am still looking, however they are neatly tucked in a box waiting for safe disposal. I've seen others illegally dump
ewaste in my area and get FAT fines. I'm not willing to risk that her or anywhere else, not mention I like to stay as green as I can.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Enjoy Folks.