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There are so many unexperienced scrap sellers out there i make tons of money on them. Im always finding $50 cpus, $20 ram sticks and so on in scrap lots. My best find was a $200 motherboard in a scrap motherboard lot and an $150 i7 cpu on that board, for a $350 find. I feel bad for these people but its not my job to educate them. Alot of times after the fact i do go ahead and tell them how to properly sort the good stuff out from the scrap. What are your best
escrap finds?
I see your point on what your saying and I'm really not disputing that. However I'm inexperienced and I've been throwing away all my boards no matter what they were from for quite some time. I pulled the transformers, copper, aluminum and wires and anything else that goes in a container the rest of the board went into the trash. I never wanted to deal with
ewaste. However my dad has finally convinced me to start saving the stuff and just take the time to learn so I can make a couple extra dollars.
I've not sold anything to anyone yet, I'm just now sorting my computer items as I think I've got all the parts straight. I've read multiple posts on how some CPU's are worth a bit more and can be sold on
ebay as well, I need to do my research on other parts to learn how to identify things that may be worth a little more than normal.
That being said... I guess if I don't take the time to try and educate myself than I may loose out. However I'm a huge believer in Karma and IMO if I was in your position and I knew up front there was a goody like that in there I'd ask them if they had another to replace the weight and that maybe they should do a little research on that particular one. I would never intentionally screw anyone over no matter how badly I needed the money. Especially if I knew they were going to sell to me on a regular basis because if they all of a sudden realize I knew and never said anything I'd loose a steady customer. Not to mention how many people are they going to tell NOT to sell to me and then I could end up with a huge future loss. Not worth it to me, and I don't want karma to bite my a** down the road.