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Newest E-Scrap load

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    ron22 started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Forest Lake, MN
    Thanked 96 Times in 51 Posts

    Newest E-Scrap load

    I picked up 56 "computers" and 10 laptops. The "computer" are not all complete in fact some are empty cases. Some are just mising Powersupply or Harddrive.
    This was someone that was doing computer repair that is getting out of the business. He throw in a box of motherboards, box of CD player, box of harddrive, ect. Basically anything he had laying around. Wanted me to take some monitors too but I managed not to take them. Most the processors are Pentium 4 or Slot.
    Sad part is there are a lot of parts new in box. The reason it is sad is that they are from early 2000 some were labled 2006. `Plan on checking ebay to see if the NIB parts are worth anything.
    I did end up paying more than I wanted. I will make out OK but will do alot better if I can ebay some of the stuff.

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

    Member since
    Aug 2012
    Thanked 2 Times in 2 Posts
    Not a bad score!
    I haven't done any E-Scrap yet and was wondering what place is the best to take it to in our area?

  3. #3
    ron22 started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

    Member since
    Apr 2012
    Forest Lake, MN
    Thanked 96 Times in 51 Posts
    There is a few places in MN if you search you will find them
    Send me a PM with yourlocation and I will see If I can help

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