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Keep or Toss

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  1. #1
    AuntieCake started this thread.
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    Keep or Toss

    Okay I have 3 pics and am looking for some confirmation on what I think. I've always thrown the boards out and then started saving them to see what I can do. One of my kids friends was over last night and separated all my computer scrap for me which was cool. Although all the other stuff I have is taking up space that I want to use, unless it's worth it to crate and keep. A tiny bit of help would be great. Please and Thank You and no throwing rocks this morning I'm still injured!! lmao

    I believe these would be keepers based on the gold fingers. Correct???

    The ones closer to the left have little tiny strips of what appear to be gold fingers. What about the pile on the right? Is that trash or is there any gold content anywhere?

    This one came out of a Packard-Bell but doesn't look like any of the other boards I've taken out. Do I keep this or pull the chips and toss it?

    Appreciate any help from out knowledgeable smart intelligent wonderful members!!!!!
    Last edited by AuntieCake; 09-14-2012 at 06:30 AM.

  2. #2
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    Never throw a board out. That is a general rule.
    As for boards with ceramics chips and they are in sockets, pull and keep and sell seperate. If there is a sticker covering a glass window, google or ebay the chip number and see what they go for used.

  3. #3
    AuntieCake started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPete View Post
    Never throw a board out. That is a general rule.
    As for boards with ceramics chips and they are in sockets, pull and keep and sell seperate. If there is a sticker covering a glass window, google or ebay the chip number and see what they go for used.
    I read recently about the stickers/glass but I haven't pulled any yet. I'm making a notebook about all the do's and don'ts on the different things so that I can get moving on it when I'm inside. The kid that was here last night separated all my Ram into the different category and showed me how to separate them. He had me take pic.s with the notebook next to them with the descriptions so that I'll be able to do it on my own now. Just looking for a little confirmation on the above, I don't want to waste my time or anyone else's with boards that are not worth anything.

  4. #4
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    The one board out of the Packard-Bell is just an real old Computer board. You could try selling it on the Vintage computer forum.
    I would never throw a board away you can always get low grade for them.

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  6. #5
    chrisc's Avatar
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    the ic chips if you look hard it may say ,intel,amd i came across 1not long ago the ic chips are processor and ram ,i never toss any boards even i get .5lb.they look close to this, its its cpu or processor
    Last edited by chrisc; 09-14-2012 at 07:46 AM.

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  8. #6
    AuntieCake started this thread.
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    The problem with boards here is that the yards don't buy them. And it's not worth it to ship the low grade to any of the buyers because basically I feel it's a waste of money and many word it differently but that's what it boils down to.

    This will be my first shot at ewaste but I've been reading everything I can get my hands on so that I can learn.

  9. #7
    chrisc's Avatar
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    but if you usps flate rate boxes u can put alot of weight in them i just throw in my shipment box every cent counts lol

  10. #8
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    Even with flate rate boxes I can not see it paying off to ship low quality boards. It is hard to get enough in to cover shipping.
    I would still save them if you have the space. Keep looking around you might find someone semi local that would be worth the drvie if yoy have enough.

  11. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by AuntieCake View Post
    The problem with boards here is that the yards don't buy them. And it's not worth it to ship the low grade to any of the buyers because basically I feel it's a waste of money and many word it differently but that's what it boils down to.

    This will be my first shot at ewaste but I've been reading everything I can get my hands on so that I can learn.
    Understood. With that in mind, take front and back side pictures and e-mail them to one of the vendors here. Get them to quote and then decide based on cost/ship whether it is worth the trouble. It will cost you time to do so, but it may save you money and gain some.

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  13. #10
    AuntieCake started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPete View Post
    Understood. With that in mind, take front and back side pictures and e-mail them to one of the vendors here. Get them to quote and then decide based on cost/ship whether it is worth the trouble. It will cost you time to do so, but it may save you money and gain some.
    Thanks JPete I'll try that.

    Can anyone tell me about the 2nd picture, still curious about if there is any gold on those.

  14. #11
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    I can't give you a real educated answer Auntie, but there's green boards and brown boards, the green ones are mostly keepers, the brown ones mostly shred. I've seen it described as "looking to see if anything's happening" on a board(and suppose that has to do with if it's well populated or not) and the ones in two definitely have something going on. If the connectors and fingers on them look like gold, they probably are, and should fetch at least medium grade.

  15. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by AuntieCake View Post
    Can anyone tell me about the 2nd picture, still curious about if there is any gold on those.
    That is tough. I have designed boards with exposed gold for RF cans to isolate signals, but that doesn't look like the application to me.
    Can you take a close up?

  16. #13
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    It's not only gold on the boards, some of those boards are full of IC chips of different sizes. A lot of them would be mid grade or higher. Some could go as power boards. Most not all, but most all green boards usually are worth more than low-grade price. A lot run from .70 to 2.00 a lb.

    Might use this for some visual guidance;
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  18. #14
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    that packard bell is an early motherboard, you'll need to research into what the CPU is on it and other stuff, but i think it should go extremely high grade

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  20. #15
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    luck has it that my yard takes low grade but you can always save em and take a road trip ? or try selling to another scrapper?
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  21. #16
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    If its cost to ship why don't you get in touch with ewasted. Send him some pics like someone said. See what he says. If he says mid grade and up on everything I would box it up and ship it. He will send you a prepaid label that will be deducted out of what your total will be. No money up front by you except the box and tape. As far as boards they all look mid grade and up to me. The only ones I would say low grade would be the ones in pic two on the right side. Large caps and not much else on them. From what I can see I think you would make out ok especially if you paid little or nothing for most of it. Good luck.
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  23. #17
    AuntieCake started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPete View Post
    That is tough. I have designed boards with exposed gold for RF cans to isolate signals, but that doesn't look like the application to me.
    Can you take a close up?
    I took a few close ups the best I could, but photo bucket won't let me upload any photos for some reason, it keeps saying upload failed... will try again after while.

  24. #18
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    OK Auntie, I'm going to try to help you out. All boards that are brown will be low grade and will be worth .10-.20 per lbs. Clip all the wires off and throw them in a bin and sell as #2 insulated copper. I take all the bigger IC chips off and put them in a large zip-lock bag. If you can't find a buyer close to you and you don't have space to store them then you can tose them but that would be up to you. The first pitcher upper left, red board would be low grade mother board at around 2.50 per lbs. Upper right, from what I can tell from the pitcher would be mid grade. Price will very from buyer to buyer. Bottem of pitcher are finger boards and should pay about 4.00 per lbs.The second pitcher on the left look like they came out of a flat screen tv or monitor and are high grade. Price depends on buyer. The ones on the right look to be mid grade, price depends on buyer. Bottem pitcher are all mother boards, Take off any IC chips that can be removed by lifting out with a flat screw driver, also take the batteries out, they are the littel round things on the bottem left of the board in that third pitcher. I see some on the boards in the tote on the right side of the pitcher. How far are you from Mentor,Ohio. That is where E-wasted is, if you could save up a car/truck load and make a trip to see him I know he will help you out. He will buy everything that I mentioned, IC chips,batteries ect. and he about the best prises. You should not have to sort out ram unless it is RAMBUSS and rambuss will have a piece of aluminum across the face of it otherwise they all go together. I hope this helps and if I can be of more help you can always PM me. Looks like your well on your way to a good payday, good luck.

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  26. #19
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    Auntie that red board looks like it is attached with the cable wires to the board in front of it. what did they come out of. I think the sticker on the plastic cover on the green board says AT&T. If it is they both might go as telecom boards between $3-$6# according to ewasted pricing.

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  28. #20
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AuntieCake View Post
    The problem with boards here is that the yards don't buy them. And it's not worth it to ship the low grade to any of the buyers because basically I feel it's a waste of money and many word it differently but that's what it boils down to.

    This will be my first shot at ewaste but I've been reading everything I can get my hands on so that I can learn.

    The yards around here didn't buy ewaste. But earlier this year I started going around to computer repair shops offering to buy scrap. One of the shop owners sold to me initially, then decided he wanted his daughter to break down his large collection of defunct stuff. He was friends with one of the yard owners and worked out a deal to sell to him. (IMO that was a bad decision since I offered to beat his price but that's another story. All those beautiful servers, my heart aches!)

    But the upside of it was that now that yard takes all manner of ewaste. The yard's prices aren't wonderful - $2.50 lb for mobos but they call all of them - even the rainbow ones - high grade. They pay diddly for memory, hard drive boards, cpus, finger cards- so I still ship the better stuff to Ewasted when I get enough. But if I only have a few mobos I take them to the local yard. Also I take them my lowgrades, power supplies, wires and heat sinks - stuff that is not profitable to ship.

    My point- and I have one that I get to eventually, lol - is that as a scrapper you may have an impact on the future of ewaste in your area. You can buy and ship or you can try to get your local yards into buying ewaste or both.

    Also, on a side note, I sent some random green boards - not mobos- to Ewasted- not too long ago and was surprised at how well they did. Now, I only take boards with at least one brown side to the local yard as lowgrade. Hope this helps.
    Last edited by Scrapette; 09-15-2012 at 11:37 AM. Reason: clarity.
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