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The problem with boards here is that the yards don't buy them. And it's not worth it to ship the low grade to any of the buyers because basically I feel it's a waste of money and many word it differently but that's what it boils down to.
This will be my first shot at
ewaste but I've been reading everything I can get my hands on so that I can learn.
The yards around here didn't buy ewaste. But earlier this year I started going around to computer repair shops offering to buy scrap. One of the shop owners sold to me initially, then decided he wanted his daughter to break down his large collection of defunct stuff. He was friends with one of the yard owners and worked out a deal to sell to him. (IMO that was a bad decision since I offered to beat his price but that's another story. All those beautiful servers, my heart aches!)
But the upside of it was that now that yard takes all manner of ewaste. The yard's prices aren't wonderful - $2.50 lb for mobos but they call all of them - even the rainbow ones - high grade. They pay diddly for memory, hard drive boards, cpus, finger cards- so I still ship the better stuff to Ewasted when I get enough. But if I only have a few mobos I take them to the local yard. Also I take them my lowgrades, power supplies, wires and heat sinks - stuff that is not profitable to ship.
My point- and I have one that I get to eventually, lol - is that as a scrapper you may have an impact on the future of ewaste in your area. You can buy and ship or you can try to get your local yards into buying ewaste or both.
Also, on a side note, I sent some random green boards - not mobos- to Ewasted- not too long ago and was surprised at how well they did. Now, I only take boards with at least one brown side to the local yard as lowgrade. Hope this helps.