The difference is in manufacturing. Here in the US, I can specify 1 ounce copper on a board. That means 1 ounce per square foot, as a measure of thickness. I found that boards that were sent over to China for manufacture we not up to specification. As it turns out, they were built to "performance spec" and not physical build spec. That means that it will work most of the time with less than 1 ounce copper and be cheaper to produce. After all, we no longer build things to last a lifetime. Some companies don't mind. Some actually prefer a product with a limited life span as a method of built in obsolescence, especially electronics where you want the consumer to always be buying "newer and better".
If you were to smelt down a board built in the USA (IF you can find one) and one made in China built to performance specs and NOT physical build specs, the USA one would most likely have more PM to it.
If you were to re-plumb your house, you would want heavy wall copper knowing it will last longer than you will live. BUT you know that PVC will do the job just the same and cost less. Companies choose the cheaper to save money, increase profits. And if they burn 10% of customers with failed units, they have no problem living with that if they still made money.