Ok...so since I am staying at my yard for a couple random nights to try and prevent another break in...figured I'd go back and run through some of my
e-waste break down. Started off with my hard-drive pile from today. These prices are current with what I get paid from shipping out of the Baltimore port... Well, here goes...This took me 73 minutes to do!
100 Hard Drives (95 regular hard-drives & 5 laptop hard-drives)
Hard Drives w/o brd's 115 lbs $46
Hard Drive Boards 9 lbs $110.25
Thought I was doing good...but for an hours time (yes it's an hour after a long day but still) to walk away with $156.25 up don't know if it really is worth it...I can sell them complete @ $1.20/lbs bringing in $148.80.
So then in that hour I actually only made $7.45...I haven't made less than $20/hr since I was 19 (besides the Navy a& that was just fun...most times)
I know I can spend more time to break it down more but found that wasn't really making it worth while. Am I looking at this wrong?!?