Originally Posted by
Now on to point 2.
"Collectors need to get a feel for what the scrap value of the stuff is worth and bid accordingly and scrappers need to quit thinking if something is wanted or collectable it must be worth its weight in gold"
You're saying collectors of hard to find items should always pay only scrap value for anything? And people who work in cleaning up scrap should never expect anything more than scrap price for anything they have dug out of the pile, recognizing it as something of value, cleaning it up, sorting it out, studying it in detail, and in many cases even fixing it for resale at better than scrap?
You stated you did the same thing,
" Sure once in a while I would find something worth a few hundred bucks (after I cleaned and tested it) just like scrappers can find something that just needs a fuse or minor repair to sell (HDTV for instance), but without the knowledge and experience it is all just ewaste"
SO, scrappers are only good for a fuse? but you are the whole Enchilada? " knowledge and experience"
yeah, we clean stuff up, and test things too, and are not always limited to a fuse, but you have really tested mine here