Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
forget the fcc id. look on the main board and use those numbers

With that 3.5" floppy it isn't going to reach anywhere near vintage, so unless it's somehow a sought after board of some sort, your next and final hope might be a high PM content for better scrap category. Other visual clues are USB ports(not real old), and larger keyboard plug/socket(older than the smaller PS/2 type)

I always recommend for those pursuing computers to learn something about them, but it oft goes unheeded, only to find them posting more photos and asking, "what WAS this?", many times finding they've just destroyed some major jingles in their pocket, or trophies on their shelf, whatever. It takes less than 2x3ft space, with only a monitor, keyboard, and mouse, which still leaves plenty of room (even using an old CRT monitor) to set a computer laying sideways with the cover off. plug it up, turn it on, pretty simple really. Most times heeding the "setup/startup" key as it begins to run will take you into the bios, which will usually give you the board, the BIOS and date, the CPU, and the RAM, right in one window. A MUCH simpler solution than having to ask what was this, BEFORE i tore it up?
Ok. I guess I'll just go ahead and take this thing apart. It didn't come with a hard drive, and I don't have any of the accessory or power cables, so I can't plug it up to see if it works. I'll post some pics once I have this thing taken apart and laid out.