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Advice plz, Do I sort these connectors?

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    Blue started this thread.
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    Advice plz, Do I sort these connectors?

    Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I was wondering if I sort these or do they all go into the same pile?

    The bottom small back connector is from the end of ribbon cables, the top black one is taken off boards I think, the blue and white connectors came in large rows attached to heavy-steel frames. Do these all go into the same pile? I have a small pile of each. The blue one seems to have a little thicker gold fingers than the white one but does a buyer really have such meticulous scrutiny on such material? I presume they are all pretty close in value but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I was thinking about putting the top 4 kinds all into one pile and placing the ribbon cable one in its own pile.

    I did some looking around on the forums and found several different kinds of connectors and they all seemed rather bulky and went in the same pile, I just wanted to see if some of these were a better quality than the ribbon-cable kind.

    Last edited by Blue; 10-18-2012 at 08:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue View Post
    Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I was wondering if I sort these or do they all go into the same pile?

    The bottom small back connector is from the end of ribbon cables, the top black one is taken off boards I think, the blue and white connectors came in large rows attached to heavy-steel frames. Do these all go into the same pile? I have a small pile of each. The blue one seems to have a little thicker gold fingers than the white one but does a buyer really have such meticulous scrutiny on such material? I presume they are all pretty close in value but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I was thinking about putting the top 4 kinds all into one pile and placing the ribbon cable one in its own pile.

    I did some looking around on the forums and found several different kinds of connectors and they all seemed rather bulky and went in the same pile, I just wanted to see if some of these were a better quality than the ribbon-cable kind.

    Yep they all go together,, like this; thanks PTS

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    jghilino's Avatar
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    Yes better than ribbon cable. Those are all the same grade though. I would just smash them with a hammer for the gold pins. You will make alot more on them by processing them for gold pins than selling as connectors and greatly reduce the shipping cost also.

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