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Deadly Ewaste

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    hammerdown started this thread.
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    Deadly Ewaste

    Was doing some searching online when I happened to stumble upon these videos. These show what happens when ewaste ends up in other countries or the wrong hands. Im sure they may have been posted before but imo its worth posting again. Anyone who is properly recycling ewaste should feel better about themselves next time they pick up a load. Thats a load that was stopped from getting to place where it is doing more harm than good.

  2. #2
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Someone should tell them that they can sell the wire WITH THE INSULATION STILL ON IT AS NO.2 INS WIRE!!!!!! Sorry, ive seen these types of videos before

  3. #3
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    why don't the government regulate the way they buy the wire?
    the buyers are probably only buying burnt copper and not insulated at all so not much choice for the scrappers.
    if the gov't came in and made it illegal to buy burnt copper they would save all that trouble.
    I'm sure the end buyer of it all would have a machine that processes insulated anyway.

    nah i'm not convinced about these vids, desperate people will take advantage of any situation to get food on the table,
    this problem isn't recycling e-waste, the problem is the gov't people are sipping cups of tea with bellies full and they couldn't give a toss if they lose 1 million or two from a population of a billion, beats starting wars, just let 'em kill 'emselves trying to make a living.

  4. #4
    hammerdown started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapperben View Post
    why don't the government regulate the way they buy the wire?
    the buyers are probably only buying burnt copper and not insulated at all so not much choice for the scrappers.
    if the gov't came in and made it illegal to buy burnt copper they would save all that trouble.
    I'm sure the end buyer of it all would have a machine that processes insulated anyway.

    nah i'm not convinced about these vids, desperate people will take advantage of any situation to get food on the table,
    this problem isn't recycling e-waste, the problem is the gov't people are sipping cups of tea with bellies full and they couldn't give a toss if they lose 1 million or two from a population of a billion, beats starting wars, just let 'em kill 'emselves trying to make a living.
    Gov will never put a ban to buying burnt wire. Not sure about other countries but I know here in the US you will get a hefty fine if caught burning it. What happens if it were banned and you got a job cleaning the scrap from a burnt down manufacture plant? You wouldn't agree with banning it then would you. In the end if it doesn't make them money they are bot gonna put the time or effort into creating new laws

    And I agree the problem is not e-waste. Its the fact that these are the things that go on in countries when your lucky to have 1 meal a day and a shelter over your head. To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if there gov is the ones running these operations and padding there pockets even more thus being the reason they haven't bothered putting a stop to it.

    I am not saying that recycling E waste is bad. I'm showing what happens when it end up in the wrong hands. At the end of the day not only should we be happy that we made a little extra change, but we stopped the stuff from getting into those hands

  5. #5
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    Its sad to see but this is what happens with centralized government control causes.

    The concensus of comments I have read on this forum suggest that our members support responsible recycling including requiring the same of their buyers. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  6. #6
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    "desperate people do desperate things"
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

  7. #7
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    And that, kids, is where global warming comes from!

  8. #8
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    Why invite more government regulations?

    If people dont send/ship them scrap they have nothing to burn

    Gov is not the answer.

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  10. #9
    hammerdown started this thread.
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    grose88 I wouldnt say global warming. If you look into it enough global warming is a myth. Nothing we do will effect the sun. The "warming" we see is all part of the solar cycle. If you look deep into planets history it has happend many times. Wait until we get into winter and see if theres anything warm about it this year.

    Landmine, its what happens when countries have an overwhelming amount of waste and fine out other countries will take it or pay for it. Unless someone steps in to stop it these things will continue to happen. Now that more and more people are getting into ecycleing I think we will begin to see less of this happen. But there needs to be major fines in place for those caught doing it the wrong way.

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  12. #10
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    If you beleave in global worming, you've been drinking the cool-ade.

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